Author Topic: Guys help. Stuck shifts. D:  (Read 557 times)

Comming back from the town, there was a small hill on the dirt road. Seemed pretty dry so I went through it anyways. It scraped the chasis (like I thought it would) but I felt the shift nudge. I got home, was going to park under the trees because shade and it doesn't go in reverse nor in 1st.

Where is the gear mechanism under the truck? Or where should it be?

Would likely be something to do with the clutch or transmission. Location would depend on the vehicle.

The clutch is fine as far as I've tested it. I've looked under the truck around the hand brake. I'm scraping the dirt off with a screw driver but I can't seem to find the gears.

yeah it sounds like you seriously forgeted it up
if there isn’t a quick easy fix its going to cost a lot of money

The clutch is fine as far as I've tested it. I've looked under the truck around the hand brake. I'm scraping the dirt off with a screw driver but I can't seem to find the gears.

You won't find the gears just by looking under there. They are inside the transmission which is a big, extremely heavy, metal box under the vehicle. They are also very difficult and time consuming to take apart and/or replace by yourself. Getting another one is generally very expensive to purchase and install as well compared to everything else in a vehicle.

Edit: actually if you want to look for the transmission on a rear wheel drive vehicle (assuming that configuration since you said "truck"), it should be somewhere near the front center connected to one end of the driveshaft
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 10:11:40 AM by XR-7 »

FOUND IT! It is covered by an eaten-away metal sheet. I cleaned it with said screwdriver on the part with a big hunk of mud and the shifts go in. I'm going to see if I can solder a new metal sheet to cover that up. Thanks XR.

It's a toggleable four wheel drive with fixed rear transmission.