Author Topic: Blogland: Eye witnessed an I surgery in person!  (Read 549 times)

So one of our dogs had a bad case of enthropy on her left eye. We went to the vet, and I asked the vet if I could see the operation from the window (it had curtains). He told me he had a better idea. He shut the curtains, his assistant closed the door, they sterilized me and I saw the operation and he explained to me what he was doing and what it's for! I went through the whole operation without a problem!

Until they were closing the wound. They used an electric plier to burn the cells so the wound would stop bleeding and to kill any possible bacteria. Of course, I had no problem with that. What I did have a problem with was that the electrocal currents were changing her heart's pulse. THAT was what made me lightheaded and almost fell. I left the room right as my knees were giving up and fell on a chair. Never lost consciousness though but I almost did. My sight went fully black but I knew I was conscious because I could still hear properly and move myself. Put my head down and recovered fairly quickly.

So I saw the operation from the moment she fell asleep from the anesthesia to the last step of the operation.

I remember I was going to be a paramedic until I actually saw this kind of stuff in-person. Even though it's a dog, it's still gnarly and idk how you do it

I train with gore threads in 4chan.

But I'm certain that the way you react with someone else's dog vs the way you react with your dog is very different. Same with people. That's the main reason surgeons shouldn't operate on their family an friends.

That makes sense I suppose

So one of our dogs had a bad case of enthropy on her left eye.
that feel when your beloved pet's left eye becomes a chaotic system

Lol, eye enthropy is when the inner eyelid folds and irritates the eye. Can be fixed with anti-inflammatory and lubricating solutions at a young age but after three years of age, it's a direct surgery with no alternative.

That's awesome, my first job was as an assistant at a veterinary clinic and I got to see all sorts of interesting surgeries.

If I have surgery I'll get it recorded and pm it to you
pretend it's your pet fish

That's awesome, my first job was as an assistant at a veterinary clinic and I got to see all sorts of interesting surgeries.
My first (and only formal) job was an assistant at the forensics lab of the federal police. The stuff pay I had wasn't even paid for the past two months. I quit and now I'm doing stuff like this out of curiosity. I'd love to end up being a xenotransplantist like the crazy soviets with their two-head dog.

I train with gore threads in 4chan.
Most people don't survive training

*insert obligatory dog loving joke*