Author Topic: HK weapons and Points shop broken  (Read 830 times)

I have downloaded the HK weapon pack with all of the contents that it needs, and then I notice, that the ammo goes down by 2 every time i shoot, and it can go into the negatives. I looked around, and found that the Tier + Tactical pack was conflicting with the HK pack, so I removed the Tier + Tactical weapon pack, and that didn't solve the problem. I have also tried removing most of the other weapon packs, and that didn't seem to solve the problem.

I have also downloaded the Points Shop mod, and that works all fine, but some of the weapons you can just click on the base to get them, instead of having to pay for them with points. I have tried removing the addon ClickToPickUp and RP_ItemsCostMoney. I do not know what else to try disabling, to fix the problem, and I would be willing to do anything to fix this.

Here is part one

Here is part 2

The reason why your ammo goes down by 2 is because of the extra assets for HK. The assets came with some more preferences, which contains something about raycast projectiles or something, which makes you fire 2 projectiles if it's enabled, because this is what I've figured out when I had those assets enabled.