Author Topic: Sir Blockchip I of Autisma, Squire of thee Lord of (the) Board.  (Read 13618 times)

i hadn't seen him at all.

He just kinda appeared out of nowhere with the sole purpose of ruining every topic Tony makes.

I remember him from before Tony but he never did anything noteworthy

This is taken from the Harvest thread so I don't derail it any further with this argument.

I literally said "I'll leave if you stop doing this thing" and then you come in and proceeded to do that exact thing.

No, you attempted to justify your relentless stuff-posting by pinning the blame on the people you're criticizing, who are evidently in the wrong for responding to your criticism.

Do you seriously, unironically think that continuing to do what you're doing will get me to stop?
If you're trying to get me to leave, you've failed miserably and i can't believe you ever expected any other result.
You're literally the only reason i'm still here at this point.

Lol because I care so much whether some brat 12 year old continues to make a dumbass of himself on the internet
Like you can sit there and try and use reverse-psychology to get what you want but at the end of the day you're the one crying about 'hostility on the internet', not me.

"the more you prove me to be an starfish, the more of an starfish I'm going to be"
it's like you're literally doing the work for me

Also, please, once and for all, explain how what i'm doing is any different from what i'm doing.
We're both posting arguments to eachother.

this quote sucks
Yes, we are both 'arguing'. We are also both typing on a keyboard, we are both breathing, ect. What the forget kinda vague ass-backward logic is this? Just because we are both 'arguing' doesn't mean we are arguing the same way, doing the same thing, acting the same way, ect.

What makes my posts "stuffposts", 'unloading diarrhea' and apparently comparable to literal stuff
Since you clearly seem to think i'm a handicap for disagreeing with your opinion, feel free to put it in layman's terms.

You could probably refer to the fact that the entire thread is in consensus? Like, are you expecting a government source detailing how handicapped you are? I can't make it any simpler for you than I already have. Even CRITAWAKETS told you to stop and that guy hates The Harvest more than everyone else here combined.

Fresh new batch of stuffposts from Blockchip. Multiple people have asked him to stop spamming multiple times but he's still at it.

Have you ever heard of "the burden of proof"? You need to provide a reason why i'd want to be in harvest. You can't just say that i am unless i actively prove that i'm not.
And besides, if i wanted to be in harvest, then why would i keep posting like i do here? It only cements me not being able to enter harvest.

And how are any of my posts here "spam"? Say what you like about them, but i don't see how they're "spam". If they are spam, i'm pretty sure that'd make tony's posts here "spam" as well.

Then i guess i don't need to provide a reason for you being jealous i won't join harvest. You just do! I don't need to prove it or provide any reason whatsoever, it's just obvious!
That was sarcasm
Now please explain how your logic of "Blockchip keeps saying negative things about the harvest and cementing his chances of not being able to join the harvest, that reason alone is clear proof he's angry he can't join the harvest!" is any better.
I've actively denied wanting to join harvest, there is no reason i would, there is no evidence to suggest i do, but apparently you somehow just know i do, because i'm "those kind of people".

If i were to say "you're those kind of people who wouldn't invite someone to a party but would somehow get mad when they don't show up", would that somehow be proof that you'd mad i won't join the harvest?
And you keep acknowledging my existence. Does that also somehow prove you're angry i won't join harvest
that was sarcasm, of course it doesn't
And you also post in this thread yourself.
Is that somehow proof that you're angry you can't be in your own clan that you're already in?
I know. Me saying that is stupid. That's the point. I said it because you said this:Which i assumed meant "You acknowledge your own existence.

The argument in this thread is stupid and i can understand why someone would think i don't make any sense, but i don't make any intentional attempt to sound like i know more things than i do.
Why do you seem to believe you know what i think?
You keep saying "Blockchip is mad about this" and things like that as if you somehow magically know what i think, what i'm angry about, and what my opinions are.
Also, most of the things tony says don't make much sense to me either.
You really won't shut up about how i'm 12.
You clearly need an executive order.
that was sarcasn
I'll gladly stop posting in this thread once people stop posting about me in this thread.

Basically admitting to stuffposting/spamming in this one.
That's not what i meant.
The main reason i've even posted in this thread so long is because people keep insulting me in it.
Excuse me for being a human being with feelings and even an ego, but i feel an inherent need to defend myself when people do things like compare me to a TMZ papparazi.
If you want me to stop, stop giving me reasons to continue.
Insulting someone because you want them to stop defending themselves is counterproductive and i can't think of a single situation in which it isn't.
Also, is there a particular reason why you put 'insulting' in quote marks?And i guess anything someone says about me is completely fine because he started it!
Have you ever heard of a "kafkatrap"? Because that's one.
You're literally saying that me denying that i act like a TMZ paparazzi is proof that i do.No matter how hard i try, i can't find any equivalency between breaking into somebody's house and posting in a blf thread.As far as i'm aware, neither do you.
Do you care to explain how the same thing doesn't also apply to what i say about other people?That still doesn't make any more sense.
Can you seriously just stop with the comparisons and talk about the actual situation instead of making a new one and saying "that's what this is"?
That really doesn't seem to be what you said.
But hey, if you say so.
Also, why is 'denial' in quote marks?
I literally didn't say anything about 'denial'.That just seems intentionally ignorant to me.
You literally just made a post about me being compared to a TMZ paparazzi, and i'd really like to hear your excuse for how that's not intended as an insult.
Even putting direct insults aside, almost everything said about me in this thread is unnecessarily hostile.That's irrelevant.
You still haven't provided a better reason.
Are you seriously saying that you don't, but it's fine because nobody's complained about it yet?
It really seems like you're doing the exact same thing you're accusing me of and somehow thinking that it's okay when you do it.
Almost everything you've accused me of so far is equally applicable to you.
I literally said "I'll leave if you stop doing this thing" and then you come in and proceeded to do that exact thing.
Is that trying to get me to "piss off"?
Do you seriously, unironically think that continuing to do what you're doing will get me to stop?
If you're trying to get me to leave, you've failed miserably and i can't believe you ever expected any other result.
You're literally the only reason i'm still here at this point.

Also, please, once and for all, explain how what i'm doing is any different from what i'm doing.
We're both posting arguments to eachother.
What makes my posts "stuffposts", 'unloading diarrhea' and apparently comparable to literal stuff, and your posts 'just trying to get you to stop' (despite it being obvious beyond everything that not only is it not going to make me stop, it's the sole reason why i'm continuing)?
Since you clearly seem to think i'm a handicap for disagreeing with your opinion, feel free to put it in layman's terms.
People aren't required to leave the forums just because you don't like them.
They're not supposed to make sense.
The entire point of it is that is that i come to a stupid conclusion using what i believe to be the same logic someone else is using.
I don't legitimately believe that you're somehow jealous that i won't join harvest. It's stupid. But nobody's explained to me how it's any less stupid than me being jealous that i can't join harvest.

admitting to posting garbage that makes no sense in this one.
Why not?
You can't just exempt yourself from your own logic.
If me "talking stuff" about the harvest somehow proves that i want to get in, why does you "talking stuff" about me not entail anything?

Am i somehow obliged to put every single post that involves myself in that topic? If someone asks me a question about myself, do i need to post my answer in that topic?
Please explain to me how faulty the logic in that post was.
i never said anything about being "forced to retaliate" just for someone mentioning my name.
"intentionally posting garbage in threads you know it doesn't belong" seems like a pretty accurate description of what you're doing.

This is only the past three days. Imagine how long it would take to gather every single thing he's posted about Tony.

If you can get past all the BS and find out what he's saying, he's right, but the way he delivers and presents his ideas is majorly uneffective. If he really is only twelve, then I'd have to give him credit because he's a hell of a lot smarter than I was when I was twelve.

If you can get past all the BS and find out what he's saying, he's right, but the way he delivers and presents his ideas is majorly uneffective. If he really is only twelve, then I'd have to give him credit because he's a hell of a lot smarter than I was when I was twelve.
Right about what exactly?

If you can get past all the BS and find out what he's saying, he's right, but the way he delivers and presents his ideas is majorly uneffective. If he really is only twelve, then I'd have to give him credit because he's a hell of a lot smarter than I was when I was twelve.
the only time hes right is when he says hes autistic

Right about what exactly?
1. He doesn't care about being a part of the harvest; I know it's a running joke to say that that's all people are mad about, but Blockchip only posted once in the first 25 pages of the thread and never showed an active interest until he started getting singled out.

2. Tony's antics are beyond immature, and the only reason the harvest is taken at all seriously is because smart people feel like taking it seriously makes them part of some special joke.

3. Stupid people take the harvest seriously because of false elitism, social exclusion, and "kafkatrap bullstuff."

List was boiled down from this post:
You have accused me, several times, of being mad i can't be in the harvest.
You haven't provided a single reason why i would be, but it's apparently just assumed that i am.
When i say that i'm not, people interpret that as proof that i am mad i can't be in the harvest.
I asked that question because i was curious what kind of 'amazing benefits' you would have that would dictate that level of assumption that anyone not in harvest is jealous of it, even if they have no idea what they are.
If you're not going to give me any reason to be jealous i can't be in the harvest.
I honestly find it suspicious that you say "it's private" seemingly every time i've asked you for proof of anything.
That's what people would say if they didn't have any proof at all, just so they could keep the benefit of the doubt.
Fair enough if you want to keep it private, but you can't just accuse people of being jealous of not being in the harvest and then not actually provide a reason why they would be.
Well, that seems like the kind of thing they'd do.
oh no, i'm so jealous that i'm missing out on all these benefits in builds i don't use and servers i don't play in!
See, this is exactly the kind of thing i'm talking about.
Whenever someone calls you out on something, you dismiss it with "you're mad you can't be in the harvest" and yet fail to provide a reason why they would be.
I don't see why you're talking so much about doing it instead of just doing it.
Harvesting seems even more pointless to me then it did before if you can unharvest people, and I'd genuinely like to know why you make a public ban list list with bl ids instead of just not inviting people into the clan.
Which was replied to from a harvest member in this post:
blockchip being handicapped
A: you really do want to be in harvest, otherwise you wouldnt care
and or
B: You have some sort of social disablity
It's funny because Blockchip was made out to be some socially disabled tryhard by way of fallacies and manipulative bullstuff just because he was calling Tony out on his fallacies and manipulative bullstuff.

It's funny because Blockchip was made out to be some socially disabled tryhard by way of fallacies and manipulative bullstuff just because he was calling Tony out on his fallacies and manipulative bullstuff.
Look, I loving hate tony and his ridiculous egotistical personality, but seriously. Blockchip is being a huge hypocrite, and it doesn't take that much thought to figure it out.
The fact that they just suddenly blame anyone angry at them being "mad they aren't in the Harvest" is bullstuff, and seriously their egos are sky-high. However, he really does need to just log the forget out. They're like those two kids on the playground who won't stop fighting with each other because they're waiting for the other to chicken out, except that the playground is Tony's backyard.
He takes the chance to get at Tony whenever he can, he spergs out at Tony for making a joke-ish comment (such as the thing at Sylvanor on Tony's gallery post) with barely thinking before he posts. Sure, Tony is a brat, but Blockchip is being just as much one, plus a hypocrite for criticizing Tony for the exact same things that he does.

The only person in the harvest that I actually can't deal with at this point is bisjac

2. Tony's antics are beyond immature, and the only reason the harvest is taken at all seriously is because smart people feel like taking it seriously makes them part of some special joke.
so the whole clan is a joke? you don't see how it could actually be a clan he made for him and his buddies that other people took way out of hand?? what are you trying to convey here

3. Stupid people take the harvest seriously because of false elitism, social exclusion, and "kafkatrap bullstuff."
hey i like the harvest because i like the people in the group and the builds
guess that makes me a stupid elitist

It's funny because Blockchip was made out to be some socially disabled tryhard by way of fallacies and manipulative bullstuff just because he was calling Tony out on his fallacies and manipulative bullstuff.
blockchip derailed tony's gallery topic because him and slyvanor were - get this - having friendly banter
he took a potshot that was uncalled for and had no reason to do so, he even did it to me and still hasn't given me the reason he said it:
I'm gonna unharvest kongo in place of Regirock.
I feel like you're contradicting something you said to regirock.
Ass kissing does not get you in The Harvest.

honestly, he's being absolutely ridiculous and doesn't want to stop because of some stupid "they keep talking about me" reason when this started because of himself

Even though Lord Tony can be annoying to some, he's atleast doing it intentionally to piss people off.

Blockchip is legitimately autistic with his hatred for Lord Tony, and chances are if you piss him off he'd do the same with anyone else.

Even though Lord Tony can be annoying to some, he's atleast doing it intentionally to piss people off.
How is this at all a defense of Tony or even a valid criticism of Blockchip??

We should be furious with the guy who is accidentally annoying people, but turn a blind eye to the guy who is purposefully doing it to illicit responses?
Seriously, just re-read what you've said.

If you want it to end, get rid of the guy who you admit is purposefully annoying people. Then the guy who is doing it by accident won't have the means to accidentally annoy others.

How is this at all a defense of Tony or even a valid criticism of Blockchip??

We should be furious with the guy who is accidentally annoying people, but turn a blind eye to the guy who is purposefully doing it to illicit responses?
Seriously, just re-read what you've said.

If you want it to end, get rid of the guy who you admit is purposefully annoying people. Then the guy who is doing it by accident won't have the means to accidentally annoy others.

Reminds me of those people that complain about the person staring at the girl with her tits hanging out instead of going to the source of the problem

If you can get past all the BS and find out what he's saying, he's right, but the way he delivers and presents his ideas is majorly uneffective. If he really is only twelve, then I'd have to give him credit because he's a hell of a lot smarter than I was when I was twelve.
he's not that smart. if he was he would've dropped this whole crusade on lord tony a long time ago.

How is this at all a defense of Tony or even a valid criticism of Blockchip??

We should be furious with the guy who is accidentally annoying people, but turn a blind eye to the guy who is purposefully doing it to illicit responses?
Seriously, just re-read what you've said.

If you want it to end, get rid of the guy who you admit is purposefully annoying people. Then the guy who is doing it by accident won't have the means to accidentally annoy others.
let me rephrase it:
Lord Tony is a troll and it's obvious that he's only posting to piss people off, Blockchip keeps falling for his bait and even goes after tony when he's not trying to bait at all.

wasn't trying to make it sound like what tony is doing is any better, sry