Author Topic: Ray-Gun scripting help?  (Read 532 times)

i have ideas for this Ray-gun add on (No not the one from BO1-3)
But i have the name check n stuff done, but i just need a script, the model is the same as the default gun, and i have recolored it, and packaged it in my own way, replaced the emitters, so all i need is a script that makes the player(s) screen shake a tiny bit, and a red,green,blue lazer come out of it.

Everything you are asking to do can be done by editing some values in datablocks; you do not need a whole new script to do this. Find the gun projectile datablock in your script, change the name, change the model and/or particles, sound file, etc. Make sure to reflect all changes in other parts of the script (Ctrl-F and replace all works well for this).

For the camera shake, find the explosion datablock that is triggered when the gun is fired (look under the "Fire" state for a hint) and edit the cameraShake property IIRC.