Author Topic: Severe Weather in Illinois ATM  (Read 571 times)

There's really severe weather going down right now. Tornado warnings in Whiteside and Lee counties. Confirmed touchdowns near my local community college.

Posting this because a few other formers live near me. Stay safe guys.

one was around me
am fine i got chick fil a

this explains all the loving wind
the gigantic ass gust front is just giving off wind

Chicago here, just got your storm.

In my mind: Severe weather in Illinois Automatic Teller Machine. -_-

god is angry at illinois for what it did tonight

Are this haunting sirens going off right now.

Nothin here in south IL just strong winds no rain or sirens going off

North Korea developed a weather dominator.

All you darnded lucky Illinoying people

Got into the mid-80s today and I could see some development in clouds in my area like the lower edge of a weather system, but everything good went to the north.