Author Topic: Issues Changing Profile Picture  (Read 748 times)

I have been having issues changing my profile picture, when I try to change it, it just won't for no particular reason.

Does anyone know why this happens?

first of all we've had this same thread 1000x and you could easily find the answer by searching, secondly i have no idea why all these question threads keep popping up in general discussion instead of the Help Board but I would recommend asking there instead. Anyways since you're already here you need to have a 75x75 picture for your profile otherwise it will not work.

75x75 is max size, though i thought it resizes so long as its ot an animated gif.
There is also a file size minimum that i cant remember.
And the forum engine auto-detects any avatars related to minecraft and blocks them i believe.

also there's something about metadata in images but i don't recall much

what's your new avatar supposed to be?

Locking, I have gotten my awnser