
Do you like fezzes now?

No (I'm forum-suiciding)
the Maxwell. answer

Author Topic: New executive order regarding Fez-haters  (Read 2436 times)

Effective immediately, everyone here is here by forbidden from ever posting of, agreeing to, private messaging, linking to or in anyway interacting at all with anything related to the hatred of fezzes.  Violation of this order will result in an immediate permanent ban.  Attempting to dodge this rule cleverly will not work.  There will be no sly insinuation of fez hate, no codewords for putting down fezzes, no clever word omission, nothing.  No interaction at all.  This is the end of anti-fezzitism on this forum.


Wow Badspot, great moves, keep it up, proud of you!

Woah rotondo isnt global mod anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i hate fezzes

User was banned for this post
nice job with that resistance team

the way I see it, anyone who likes fezzes probably likes doctor who too, and for that reason, anyone who likes fezzes is gay