Author Topic: Server_Roleplay 0.3.0: Added Client Add-on for Server Admins.  (Read 12077 times)

What's S2K?

S2K is shooting someone directly without roleplay.
S2M is shooting someone but missing on purpost (but sometimes it is mixed with S2K so it is slightly realistic)
S2RP is shooting someone with roleplay aka /me's

there is a few more s2's but i can't remember.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 03:02:56 PM by Man Of Greenish »

S2R&HSIF: Shoot To Ricochet & Hit Self In Face

Sorry for the bump but there seems to be an issue I found with this.

If it's enabled, when admins warp, their character is sent into the void. they are gone and can't be found.

Sorry for the bump but there seems to be an issue I found with this.

If it's enabled, when admins warp, their character is sent into the void. they are gone and can't be found.
Oh, that's not an issue, it's a feature. Are you trying to take screenshots with admin orbs or something?

Oh, that's not an issue, it's a feature. Are you trying to take screenshots with admin orbs or something?
I want to take screenshots with my character in place.

I want to take screenshots with my character in place.
you can just spectate yourself.
Otherwise if it really becomes a big issue ill look into having it have toggle preferences.

Sorry for grave digging, but would it be possible to add an event that checks if the player is using a specific name?