Author Topic: Should I get a core i5 or an i7?  (Read 2067 times)

If you're like me and rarely play anything really graphic intensive then you can get an i5 and pretty much be set.

If you're like me and rarely play anything really graphic intensive then you can get an i5 and pretty much be set.

"Graphic intensity" doesn't correlate with how much CPU is used. Graphics rendering is done solely by the GPU.. unless you're using a piece of stuff software. And I don't mean Blockland; Blockland still renders on the GPU. Realistically there is little to no reason you need anything more than an i3 for games, because unless the game completely lacks optimization it shouldn't be using a significant portion of your processor's resources.

Alternatively, if you're like me and don't close any programs when you're done with them, get an i7. It'd drive me nuts if I had to close Photoshop every time I wanted to watch a video I opened in my 70th tab from Blockland.

i just got an i7-4700MQ

I only reached for an i7 because I do a lot of rendering and lighting which requires some of the features the i7s come standard with that i5s don't. That said, you won't see a benefit in an i7 over an i5 in gaming.

I'm using the i7-4790 BTW. The Unlocked/K variant was not available.

i have an i7-2790k and so far it really isn't good for the type of games that i play aside from blockland

i love my 4690k but i apparently cant run freakin doom without stuttering. other than that i can max out every game i own as of right now

is less than 2% performance difference worth $100

Just get an i5. I have an i5-6600 with a GeForce GTX 960 and it runs beautifully.

i have an i7-2790k and so far it really isn't good for the type of games that i play aside from blockland
That's not an existing processor. Is it perhaps an i7-2600k?

get both if youre going to play bloxcity

is less than 2% performance difference worth $100
Correct answer: no. Spend that $100 on a better GPU instead