Author Topic: [help] think my computer's forgeted, nothing loading properly  (Read 749 times)


started noticing this when iTunes was freezing up, I dismissed it as apple software being apple software however a couple of hours ago Steam crashed and refuses to open, even though it seems to be running fine in the task manager the actual application doesn't open up for me to use. Doesn't show up in the task bar thing bottom right either. Any steam game refuses to open. Other games that are non-steam refuse to run too, for example Space Engine would go to the launcher, however hangs on the "Starting" splash. Minecraft runs fine for whatever reason.

Among the list of errors:

Windows media player opens however wont play anything, same with VLC.
Both Google Chrome and Windows Edge occasionally freeze up when trying to watch Youtube
Task manager is showing very little CPU usage, ranging from 0% to 3%

paint.sai and Microsoft office documents seem to be working fine so at least I can work

0% cpu, isn't that a little odd?

The reason I post this here to the forums is because I cant quite find what's going on from a simple search, "stuffs not working" is pretty broad

Dxdaig specs of my pc if that helps at all, I'm using a prebuilt

with no cpu usage this sounds like a hard drive issue

have you tried restarting the computer yet

i had a moment like this recently on my windows 8 laptop and i had to force a manual shutdown to fix it

still the same after a restart

if this is a windows 10 issue I'm going to loving move to Linux or downgrade, really sick of people licking microsofts boots for "free os upgrade!11!!" even though windows 10 has been a festival of errors and issues

I have no idea what I'm looking at

okay run a full malwarebytes scan across both drives

if it comes up with nothing then yeah i guess its windows 10 being bullstuff

Programs running with 0% CPU usage is normal if you tab out and sometimes during operation (if the program is idling). This doesn't sound like an issue with viruses or Windows 10 (fun fact: people greatly exaggerate the non-existent issues of Windows 10). Looks like a GPU driver problem, since this is affecting applications that depend on the GPU more (paint.sai seems to be using software rendering via the CPU).

I recommend you follow this Reddit tutorial on how to cleanly reinstall your NVIDIA drivers. I know it sounds like a right pain the arse, but it shouldn't take any more than 30 minutes. I also had to reinstall my graphics card drivers when a number of my programs inexplicably crashed without reason or warning, which is a result of the NVIDIA drivers not correctly updating when you upgrade to Windows 10.

Do let us know if it worked or not; I could be completely wrong but I would like to help you get this stuff fixed ASAP.

Malwarebytes removed some unwanted stuff but I'm still having issues, will try mcjobs fix

lo and behold, the issues ive been having have been fixed

I guess I had a backlog of old drivers

thanks for the fix mcjob, I would still be fumbling with what to do
