Author Topic: does anyone here have a pebble time?  (Read 331 times)

was considering getting one, curious to know if anyone here has one

I have the Pebble Time Steel. My only complaints about it has to do with the leather band slowly bleeding out its colour when it gets wet, and that the voice recognition on text responses has a hard time understanding you on most responses over like, 10 words.

Other than that, it's pretty much the best most awesome ever. The screen is awesome, lasts forever, and it has plenty of apps.

I dont have the time but i do have the classic pebble. The only problem so far is my screen glitches out when i get notifications. It is one year old though so maybe that's it??? I know its not the one you're getting but i would recommend anything from them

Other than that, it's pretty much the best most awesome ever. The screen is awesome, lasts forever, and it has plenty of apps.