Author Topic: My whammy bar squeaks when I use it.  (Read 550 times)

I have a Fender Stratocaster, bought it a year ago. I've tried using the whammy bar but that piece of stuff squeaks every time. Help?

3 in 1 oil will do the trick, put a couple drops on the springs, nuts, and any other moving parts

Well it's probably a cheap strat, which means it's a generic trem, so it's probably pivoting at the front of the plate with the 6 screws. I'd apply some silicone oil there. Just dive bomb the Trem enough to fit some oil under there. Then on the back where the tension springs are, I'd silicone oil the springs. Those are the only parts connected to the guitar that I'd imagine could possibly squeak.

i thought guitarists hated when people say "whammy bar"

i thought guitarists hated when people say "whammy bar"

I don't default to using it, but it's what most people know it as. The actual term for it is tremolo.

~~procrastination joke here~~

The title could be perceived in many ways.