Author Topic: Sagittarius A* (and other space skyboxes (((soon)))))  (Read 6157 times)

I wanted to try to make a skybox so I made this. This was taken in SpaceEngine v974
skyboxes will be slpit into two groups, auto exposed (distant objects are darker the closer the main object is) and non-auto exposed (object distance has no affect on light.)



More coming soon, probably next next week. Tell me if the corners are too easily visible.

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« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 01:36:38 AM by Epicduke »

But Sagittarius A* is surrounded by way more stars than that, literally the sky should be 95% yellow, 5% black. Nice accretion disk though.

The black hole has nicer effects than my Sagittarius A skybox*, but yeah, should have more stars. Although, many stars makes it easier to see the corners.

*I should get a newer Space Engine version if I ever make more skyboxes.

turns out i had a special lighting turned on (makes other objects disappear depending how close to a light source you are). i'll retake that shot with it off, but i'll probably have it on for some shots really close to stars.

updated, barely had the time to do this this week. also, does anyone know if you can go beyond a 2048 resolution.