Author Topic: Need help with Mac addons  (Read 359 times)

So I have recently gotten BL on steam and wanted to get some addons, so I go ahead and follow a tutorial for mac, I put in the addons in my addons folder and launch blockland, I go to single player and go to custom and to no avail I did not find my addon. Any help? Am I doing something wrong? Please help.

What addons were they?

Also, how did you recently get Steam when you ID is 176k?

is it printing any errors to the console?
are screenshots being saved to the correct folder and showing up on the main menu?

Seems like you've got the same problem as everyone else having problems on mac/steam. For whatever reason blockland attempts to write to the root folder instead of its own folder, which doesn't work, so it prints "unable to create path" in your console. Blockland doesn't work if it's unable to write files from scripts.

As far as I know the only fix is to either stop using steam or stop using a mac.

Did fix, followed a post on steam, but now I'm having configure issues.