Author Topic: Blogland: Trip is Over.  (Read 3854 times)

Sorry that I haven't replied earlier my phone died while I was traveling around Chicago.  Anyways, I've finished traveling around Chicago today and I'm about to go bowling before I eat dinner.  I'm going to try some deep dish tonight and I'm going to see if it taste good here.
EDIT:  Apperently, we're getting alerts of possible flash flooding around the area I'm currently living in.  I doubt that there will be any flooding but if it does happen I'll post more about it later on.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2016, 07:00:16 PM by Dark X-rane »

There was a pretty big storm last night, but you're not gonna get flooded out in Chicago, don't worry.

There was a pretty big storm last night, but you're not gonna get flooded out in Chicago, don't worry.
Yeah, I'm not worried about it.  I usually see these warnings back in New York and 90% of the time it dosen't even rain.

I'm currently leaving Chicago right now.  I'll be travel back to New York for the next 12-13 hours by car.  While this is happening, I'll try to take some pictures if I encounter some interesting things on the road.

How many bullets are in you now?

How many bullets are in you now?
Hm, seems like I'm bullet free somehow.

Hey guys,  I'm currently in Ohio for a few hours.  I'm currently at a rest stop eating Hardee's because it's the only thing here.

Currently waiting for our food to be made.