Author Topic: [BLOGLAND] I got pushed over the edge today  (Read 2102 times)

You did the right thing.

At best she'll get a night in jail. Source: my mom beat me my entire childhood
So what did you do in resistance? Bio can probably take something away from it, also how are things between you and her now?

A healthy diet is the cure to acne, so your mother was partially right.

everything else was forgeted up. im sorry you have to deal with your parents like that, and i hope your mother realizes that she's being too harsh and makes a change

I wouldn't say it's extreme enough that I have to take legal action. This is probably the worst it's gotten with my mom, most of the time everything is resolved within a few days and we all make up, but we never told each other we hated each other.

But I still feel I did the right thing, my sister didn't deserve to be hit, and when my dad's not there there needs to be someone around to defend my sister. She's tough though, she said the hit had hurt more emotionally than it did physically, I'm leaving for college soon but I'm sure she can handle herself. I lived much of my life an only child, I turned out alright i guess.

A healthy diet is the cure to acne, so your mother was partially right.

Yea, but I don't think just throwing some random food in a blender that causes you to gag/vomit would be the way to do that.

well the fact that it didn't escalate much further beyond that is sort of a good sign. as good of a sign as you can get from a situation like that. i dont really have any advice to give you beyond that because i really dont know enough about your situation, but maybe talk it out with your dad if he was actually trying to be a mediator.

Just reading this pissed me off. She shouldnt own children
Good job, you've done a great service to the blf


After what happened yesterday I'm surprised my mom decided to approach me but she did, she just told me some stuff about how she didn't know the real me, even though that's obvious bullstuff, and that how I had reacted wasn't normal (I still maintain that I did the right thing)

She then tried to guilt trip me, saying that she had felt scared that I would hit her (I wouldn't have, I knew the consequences and I wasn't dumb enough to do it) and that I was a bad influence on my sister, and that I was a miscreant teenager.

She said she hadn't meant it when she said she hated me, I just went ahead and told her I hadn't meant it either, and I said my actions weren't justified, but she still gave me a lecture. The whole thing just seemed fake, I disagreed with everything she said, she acted like I was some stranger, even though I had been as open as possible to them in the past few months.

I really thought things were going uphill, but now it seems they'll never be the same again.

Here's a message she sent me over Facebook
Lastimosamente hijito te identifico con no cierto? esto esta en tu conciencia, pues no te conozco, no se que piensas, no se que opinas, simplemente no te conosco, todavia tenemos tiempo para conocernos,  pero tenemos que trabajar en eso, tienes que dar de tu parte, el ser padres no es facil, ojala puedas entender........

I'll translate it as best as I can, as it is in Spanish

Translation: Unfortunately, son, I identify you with this... Is this not true? This is on your conscience now [what I had done] I don't know you anymore, I don't know what you're thinking, what your opinions are, I just don't know you. We still have time to know each other, but we have to work on it, you have to do your part, being a parent isn't easy, I hope you can understand.....

She then sends me this link

The link is just some bullstuff about how our generation is messed up (in spanish), I didn't bother to read all of it but it seems pretty generic

If anyone who speaks spanish has a better translation please tell me.

She literally takes no responsibility for what she did, blaming it on us, by now I'm convinced she's some kind of narcissist.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 01:08:47 PM by Biostorm »

A healthy diet is the cure to acne, so your mother was partially right.
A healthy diet is a partial preventative to acne, but isn't a cure at all.
The cure to existing acne is to clean your skin properly, and retain high levels of hygiene (meaning you shower regularly, wash your hair regularly, wash your hands regularly while avoiding touching your face, and wash your face twice daily with some form of soap).

Teenage acne is also in part a natural side effect of puberty and the presence of hormones.
Stress, which is also common just going through puberty, will also exacerbate it.

Drinking a single fruit smoothie will in no way cure or prevent acne.

Edit: You need to tell your mum specifically and clearly that the reason you acted the way you did was solely because she was abusing your sister and because she hit her.

Don't get into an argument after that, but just make it clear that you won't stand for her treating your sister that way.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 01:20:07 PM by sir dooble »