
best idea (titles merely conceptual and not final)

Knights Of The Green Acres
The Chairman
Gorilla Warfare

Author Topic: which story idea is the best?  (Read 700 times)

ive got some ideas for stories i wanna write, but im going to pitch the ideas first so i dont waste my time on a concept that nobody likes. im tired as stuff and i will revise these in the morning but for now these will suffice, i believe.

concept 1:
a group of middle-aged dads who have been playing golf together at their favorite golf course for 15 years are faced with a dillema when an organization notorious for forcefully repurposing innocent recreational areas into something far more sinister. when diplomacy fails, they have no choice but to lead a violent revolt against the organization, and shake their vicegrip over all of the golf courses in the land.

concept 2:
a humble japanese chairmaker bumps into the daughter of the boss of his local branch of the yakuza, causing his livelihood to be targeted and slowly destroyed for disrespecting the yakuza. the chairmaker knew there was nothing he could do to resist the yakuza directly, but when some goons broke into his shop and ruined the glazed finish on his favorite oak chair, he knew he couldn't stand idly by. and thus, The Chairman was born. reports suddenly appear of yakuza grunts being found absolutely clobbered by a man with extravagant chairs duct-taped to his hands as makeshift blunt force weapons. the story follows The Chairman's struggle to balance his honest work with his vengeful campaign, and morality with justice.

concept 3:
ever wondered who was responsible for the assassinations of the most dangerous terrorist figures in recent history? why their identities were always kept hidden? wouldn't you like to shake the hands of the men responsible for bringing justice to america? unfortunately, you'll never be able to, because the men responsible for these operations are not men at all. they're gorillas. 30 years ago, an fbi geneticist bred and trained the world's deadliest and tactically skilled primates ever known to mankind. these Guerrilla Warfare experts have been retired ever since the assassination of Osama Bin Laden, but they must once again respond to the call of duty when they are dropped in the middle east's most politically unstable regions with only one goal:
destroy CIA.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 12:18:04 AM by Poliwhirl »

dont quit your day job

jk number 3 is pretty good

gorilla warfare but only if harambe is a character otherwize yazuka chairman

gorilla warfare but only if harambe is a character otherwize yazuka chairman
there may be a way to work harambe into the narrative but im not sure yet

build a world like george r martin or tolkien

build a world like george r martin or tolkien
interesting idea. maybe if the polls stay tied closely i'll try.

The only not Boring one is Gorillas Warefair.

the first one just seems like it'd be more bad writing than humor

the first one just seems like it'd be more bad writing than humor
i was never too enthusiastic about the first one, i just thought that the concept of old guys killing people with golf clubs in a declaration of war was hilarious

i was never too enthusiastic about the first one, i just thought that the concept of old guys killing people with golf clubs in a declaration of war was hilarious

I like that one the best actually for that reason. Option three is pretty much gonna win by default though, because stupid Harambe meme people.

I like that one the best actually for that reason. Option three is pretty much gonna win by default though, because stupid Harambe meme people.
shut the forget up boi harambe died for your sins
harambe didnt die for this

bump because i wanna see if there will be a poll upset
« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 04:02:32 PM by Poliwhirl »

I'm stealing all 3
my lawyer is already on his way to kick your ass