
What should the name of the track be?

Keep it as it is.
Blona Seca
Road Blockland
Bla Francorchamps
Le Blocks

Author Topic: Blonaco! Image heavy! Updated OP w/Poll! (The name is a work in progress).  (Read 5724 times)


Blonaco is a street circuit that has been in the works for a while now, it's a pretty big circuit that is still being updated because it's not finished yet. The circuit will be livened up with hanging lights from the track to give it a more welcoming feel. Like a celebration of speed and power. Currently the only thing that is finished is the layout of the track. Everything else hasn't been finished yet. Here is a list of things that are done or need to be started and or finished. Feel free to rate this track from X/10.

Track Layout: 100%
Pit Lane: 0%
Apexes & Tire Bundles: 5%

Buildings: 14%
Street Lights: 0%
Trees: 2%
Q: Is this a track you can go flat out on??

A: Yes. However you can still brake in corners and still have a perfectly decent lap time.

Q: When will this be finished?

A: There is no ETA date for this, as progress will be made when I have the time do make some progress.

Q: How many cars can fit on the grid?

A: There isn't a grid yet, I'd say you could put 30-36 cars on the grid though.

Q: How many cars can fit on the track?

A: At once? Probably only 20. As a group a cars that were very close together would have trouble on some of the tighter sections of the track. If the group was spread out though then it would probably go up to 30. Though that is a very optimistic number.

Q: How high is the brick count?

A: As of now I don't know, I'll have to check and see the next time I work on the build.


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« Last Edit: August 27, 2016, 04:33:33 PM by DodgeViperAcr16 »

would be nice to have an overhead view of the track to see the layout

would be nice to have an overhead view of the track to see the layout
...................... I forgot about that lol, thankfully I remember the layout by heart. So I can just draw you a pretty badly drawn picture of the layout. The picture below is essentially what the track looks like.

It's in the OP.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2016, 04:51:47 PM by DodgeViperAcr16 »

The idea of it is actually nice and i wouldn't mind doing some street racing, however you'll how to give people more space to race because you know how Blockland physics work.

You should try changing the sidewalks on the curves, try using some modter if it helps.

You should try changing the sidewalks on the curves, try using some modter if it helps.
I have downloaded quite a few modter bricks but I don't really know how many I actually have. Nor have I experimented with them very much, I'll have to do some experimenting with the modter bricks with this track for sure.

The idea of it is actually nice and i wouldn't mind doing some street racing, however you'll how to give people more space to race because you know how Blockland physics work.
I wouldn't mind making the track wider at all, the problem is that there isn't a four lane wide left or right turn for me to use on the wider sections of the track.

Tbh I think it could be a bit of a good thing that there are sections of the track that aren't as wide as others. It promotes skill to make a overtake work and patience if you want to overtake later like on real tracks. Though on real tracks you won't be sent into orbit if you have a small accident. I do know of a way I could fix the track width but that would mean getting rid of every proper corner on the track.

The picture below is essentially what the track looks like.

well, uh

why not take a picture of the actual track?

other thoughts ...

In Blockland, when you hit a wall, you tend to come to a complete stop. ...Since this is a road circuit, these things don't really apply, but they're something to consider if you make a track: Instead of putting up walls that mercilessly punish those who get too close to the apex, you could have speed bumps. Cutting the corner too much would slow you down, but going over a little bit would just make the car a bit unstable. Excessive corner-cutting could be stopped with walls in the right places, but right now, with your corner that has a tire wall on the inside, there's an extremely fine line between hitting the apex or crashing, losing all of your speed. At the very least, there might be some way to make that a steep curb which would tilt the car, effectively pushing away those who took it too close, without wrecking them.

I guess the main problem for me is that it's possible to take this track almost flat-out (as you say). This is a problem with the cars, rather than the track. And, of course, this is subjective. Other people prefer that blockland cars turn and stop with extreme precision... I prefer cars where you need to use the brakes, or at least lift off, to get around a corner effectively. Cars should have weight, and punish recklessness... and recklessness should be more than simply pointing the wrong direction and hitting the walls. I think that taking a corner too fast should make you slide a little, and it should be possible to lose control. If that was the case, then even with wider roads, or on a circuit with lots of run-off, it would require skill to get around as fast as possible. The possibility for losing control makes staying in control that much more exciting, and making a great lap feels like an achievement.

On the topic of both loss of control and speed bumps, there seems to be a way that a car could maintain grip while on a flat surface, but start sliding after it goes over bumps, requiring the driver to either slow down or spin out.

I suspect my problems are too big for the scope of what you're going for, so don't take it as criticism so much as general thoughts about racing.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 08:13:58 PM by Teneksi »

well, uh

why not take a picture of the actual track?

other thoughts ...

In Blockland, when you hit a wall, you tend to come to a complete stop. ...Since this is a road circuit, these things don't really apply, but they're something to consider if you make a track: Instead of putting up walls that mercilessly punish those who get too close to the apex, you could have speed bumps. Cutting the corner too much would slow you down, but going over a little bit would just make the car a bit unstable. Excessive corner-cutting could be stopped with walls in the right places, but right now, with your corner that has a tire wall on the inside, there's an extremely fine line between hitting the apex or crashing, losing all of your speed. At the very least, there might be some way to make that a steep curb which would tilt the car, effectively pushing away those who took it too close, without wrecking them.

I guess the main problem for me is that it's possible to take this track almost flat-out (as you say). This is a problem with the cars, rather than the track. And, of course, this is subjective. Other people prefer that blockland cars turn and stop with extreme precision... I prefer cars where you need to use the brakes, or at least lift off, to get around a corner effectively. Cars should have weight, and punish recklessness... and recklessness should be more than simply pointing the wrong direction and hitting the walls. I think that taking a corner too fast should make you slide a little, and it should be possible to lose control. If that was the case, then even with wider roads, or on a circuit with lots of run-off, it would require skill to get around as fast as possible. The possibility for losing control makes staying in control that much more exciting, and making a great lap feels like an achievement.

On the topic of both loss of control and speed bumps, there seems to be a way that a car could maintain grip while on a flat surface, but start sliding after it goes over bumps, requiring the driver to either slow down or spin out.

I suspect my problems are too big for the scope of what you're going for, so don't take it as criticism so much as general thoughts about racing.
1: It was actually a bit late when I made this post so I didn't really have enough time to take an actual picture of the track lol.

2: "I prefer cars where you need to use the brakes, or at least lift off, to get around a corner effectively. Cars should have weight, and punish recklessness..." "but they're something to consider if you make a track: Instead of putting up walls that mercilessly punish those who get too close to the apex,"

To be fair, the unforgiving nature of the track kinda takes care of the lack of skill it takes to drive the cars quickly. However I do see and agree with what you're saying. I could move the tire bundles back a bit and then just put some apexes up so that you have a bit more margin for error then you currently do on this track. If I did try to make really steep curbs I think the car would just glitch through the curbs.

Honestly if I had my way I would have put the Karrusel from the 'Ring and the Corkscrew from Laguna Seca somewhere on this track but I'm not good enough to do that and to do it properly so it would fit with the track the cars would probably just glitch threw the blocks. Sure I could try using modter bricks but I want to keep it as close to what a street circuit would actually be like (even though adding in those turns would disrupt that a little bit).

3: I had thought about speed bumps, I'm not totally decided on it yet thought. Speaking of them however I like that idea about disrupting the car. But I don't think enough of the cars in BL are that easily unsettled enough to make the speed bump a massive issue. It would be pretty cool (and a bit funny) to see one on this track, as it would remind me of the time good TG went to Spain and made their own racetrack. They called a speed bump "No one expects the Spanish Speed Bump."

4: While it is pretty much flat out track, it's flat out for those who are either skilled enough to do so or brave enough to do so. You can still brake and it wouldn't be totally inappropriate or awkward. "Then even with wider roads, or on a circuit with lots of run-off, it would require skill to get around as fast as possible." The tight sections of the track do help to enhance this, but probably not by much.

Thank you for your two cents on the track, sure it is slightly out of the scope of what I was going for but things that you suggested here and there won't hurt at all. I will actually take some of your thoughts as criticism because it'll allow me to make the track better. However I won't be able to do it all because some of your thoughts I'm not sure I can execute correctly. If you want you can hit me up on Steam and I can host the server and we can experiment a little bit with that you're thinking.

nice to see someone make what seems to be a decent upcoming racetrack, finally. i still agree with that one dude who said the corners are too narrow but i guess well have to make do. you might wanna try just outlining a track with the tires you used, that way you control the width entirely, and you dont really have to use the road bricks or w/e. you can also make your own road, just put some yellow plates on like a 64x and make them collisionless. keep doin this tho :)

nice to see someone make what seems to be a decent upcoming racetrack, finally. i still agree with that one dude who said the corners are too narrow but i guess well have to make do. you might wanna try just outlining a track with the tires you used, that way you control the width entirely, and you dont really have to use the road bricks or w/e. you can also make your own road, just put some yellow plates on like a 64x and make them collisionless. keep doin this tho :)
The reason why I used the road bricks is to cut down on the brick count a bit. As the buildings are gonna make the brick count skyrocket as it is. I could try to move the tire bundles inwards and make a fairly big runoff area. How rude of me, I forgot to say thank you for the support!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2016, 02:39:10 PM by DodgeViperAcr16 »

The track layout has been added to the OP. I also tried messing around with some apexes on the first chicane, it doesn't look brilliant but it does do the job. I'll add pictures of what it looks like later when I make more progress on the build.

Sorry for the double post, however I have made a tiny bit of progress.

This is the pit lane sign. The sign isn't finished nor is the entrance. This is just what you may be able to expect when the full build is done.

This picture shows how the Citi goes over the apexes I've built. This is in no way the finished product. I want to get some opinions on how it looks and if I need to change anything. For now though this is what I've come up with.

This is on the first chicane on the track, I'll put these where I can but they won't be put everywhere. Given the fact that there aren't many places on the track where the side walk intrudes on the track.