Author Topic: Player setscale - bigger than 5 5 5?  (Read 2081 times)

Is there any way to set the player's scale to be larger than "5 5 5" without the use of a modified player model?

depends. if you're talking about just the model and not the bounding box of the player, yes.

edit: relevant:
« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 01:00:34 PM by Conan »

is it possible to do both?

isnt the bounding box of a player dependent on the playertype

so you can change the bounding box to be huge via a new playertype and then manually make the model itself huge to match

is it possible to do both?
not together. one thing to note is that increasing bot size past 5 involves mounting the bot to be scaled to another bot, so walking anims n stuff wont work

not together. one thing to note is that increasing bot size past 5 involves mounting the bot to be scaled to another bot, so walking anims n stuff wont work

I like the idea especially for Godzilla parodys or something but of course the has to be limits i wish badspot could update the engine for maybe one last update. That would be cool and there might be less glitches and add-on makers could have more possibilities.

can someone give me a tutorial on how i would do it by editing the player model?

can someone give me a tutorial on how i would do it by editing the player model?
Get blender get a dts importer for it go to blockland/base/oneofthefoldersiforget/player/ and open m.dts press space type select all press enter it should have an orange glow sound it press s then move your mouse to scale it or type a number left click then export as a dts and call it M. Dts profit
Remember to copy the original if anything goes wrong