Author Topic: Blinking Playertype  (Read 2871 times)


it probably shows a black image on people's screen for a certain period of time

it probably shows a black image on people's screen for a certain period of time
^ it did this

this could actually be possible

add an extra node to the regulat blockhead that are two squares that takes up exactly the size both eyes. the node would copy the color of the head node and have a thin black strip across the center. every five seconds, the node appears, then disappears.

of course this wouldnt work for some faces like yaranika and block mongler

it probably shows a black image on people's screen for a certain period of time
how tho, setblackout is client sided

how tho, setblackout is client sided
but it didn't use setblackout

datablock ShapeBaseImageData(scpcoverimage)
   shapeFile               = "./cover.dts";
   emap                     = true;
   mountPoint               = 5;
   size                   = "0 0 0";
   offset                  = "0 0 0";
   eyeoffset                = "0 0.2 0";
   rotation                  = eulerToMatrix( "0 0 0" );
   doColorShift = true;
   colorShiftColor = "1 1 1 1";

that basically puts a shape in there face i think (i haven't done this before)
in the file there is cover.dts which is completely black
i'm not sure how this completely works (i have some theories) but it's completely serversided

SCP Playertype

Thanks! May I ask while I'm here, are there any breathing players? What I mean is a playertype that breathes, or maybe an addon on the server so I could use it with the SCP Playertype.

Also, I just realized I can't jump.

Also, I just realized I can't jump.
well um space = blink; you can modify that in the code

don't know if I did dat right...oh wait...