Author Topic: poopy - super hit animation for kids  (Read 566 times)

« Last Edit: October 04, 2016, 08:12:27 AM by Bears »

what is it with india and not even trying

what is it with india and stuffting everywhere

This cartoon is a masterpiece. I haven't watched a cartoon in a long while that has had such a diverse and likable cast of characters. The animation is on point and the songs fit perfectly with the message of the cartoon.

And oh boy, is there a message. I loved the commentary of fascism and totalitarianism that seeped through the artistry of this cartoon and how it alluded to the mass media's corruption and how drugs lower your capacity to understand reason. Everyone can be trusted, because they say the right things and aren't guilty of wrong think. Thusly, our mentally-altered friend Poopy is doomed to follow the woodland creatures for all eternity, embalming himself in their stories. Despite that, when he is sober, he is pre-dispositioned to question everything about his society, and all the phoniness that surrounds him. When he does this he is shunned and called a fool by the social elites. How dare he question if he came from an egg. That is not the correct way of thinking. He is too rebellious, sitting and waiting for Mother Hen's egg to hatch. He must be corrected. He must be silenced. We must share more stories. The regime of Mother Hen must go on. And on. Forever. Watch over us, Big Crow. Protect us.

The girl in the beginning must be silenced as well. She is a threat to our very way of life and must go. By taking Poopy in as a pet and keeping him inside she has taught him that there is an alternative life to live. Outside of our order. This cannot stand. She has been a major influence in his hateful, destructive ways and must be stopped before more damage is done. We do not want to have to remove two people. We do not want to have to make two excuses. We do not want to have to silence twice the amount of people who doubt us already. That is not efficient. That is not what is best for us. Community, identity, stability.

But hey, everything will be alright. Mother Hen is bokanovskifying four more beautiful Alpha chicks. They should be here on the morrow. And meanwhile, with Big Crow watching over us, we can enjoy the forest mushrooms and continue reveling in our stories. Sing with us the forest hymn of unity:

Poopy, poopy
Bow bow bow
Poopy, poopy
Bow bow bow
The butterfly calls him
Will you be my friend?
Will you come with me to play?
The Hen and the Crow
Called him to join them
Bow bow bow


what is it with india and stuffting everywhere

designated stuffting country

the girl is creepy because she has big hands and no neck

this is what I see when I think of hell