Author Topic: virus farm (aka v2)  (Read 3045 times)

Installed sasser on windows XP,
My job is done

meat has been cleared (for now)

genitals are for losers. this is the real deal

also i have a bad feeling about this

update: windows 7 died
« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 07:59:52 PM by HooperScooper »

what does it mean when if you install a RAT on the node you can get a virus

just played research there, it's gud

that was fun, i was gonna upload "bloo me" but seems like the last node disappeared without a trace

that was fun, i was gonna upload "bloo me" but seems like the last node disappeared without a trace
zone-sama is great, i wanted to play "the modiforgetrs" too, lol
« Last Edit: September 26, 2016, 08:43:57 PM by Somemong »

ok kids theres only 1 node atm because of the loving hurricane but w/e
some guy installed the sims 1 on it and it works i guess so theres that
come on in and do fun stuffs

Daily reminder that SubDaWoofer is not funny,