Author Topic: Race for the Vote 2 - Signups [Week 1] [Year 1]  (Read 1393 times)

What is Race for the Vote 2?
Race for the Vote 2 is a sequel to Race for the Vote, completely remade and re-done to fix all the flaws of the first one. I've revised a lot of the systems to make them more coherent and friendly to people new to the forum game.

How does this work/How do I win?
Winning is no easy task in RftV2, you'll go up against many and only one can come out on top. You can run for one of the 2 major parties (The Liberal Movement, The Conservative Front) or create your own 3rd party. Only 1 person can run for each of the major parties and it's a first come first serve decision. Also, the more 3rd party candidates, the less each 3rd party gets. Exceptions for notable/influential 3rd party candidates.

Entering the race form:
Candidate Name (first/last, middle optional):
Party Lean (Liberal/Conservative) (FOR 3RD PARTY ONLY):
Party (Liberal Movement/Conservative Front/your 3rd party name):
Home State:
Candidate Image (160x130 max):

Fill this form out to enter yourself in the race. You will have to participate in debates, respond to situations, etc. If you remain in-active you will lose support and eventually drop out automatically.
Now on to playing the forum game.

Blue = Liberal lean
Red = Conservative lean
Purple = Both/Flip
While the weeks pass and you respond to situations, argue in debates, etc. your words will influence the people. There are 11 states and a total of 112 votes (not to be confused with the people's votes). To win a state's votes, you must get a majority of the people's votes there. It takes a majority of votes to win the election and all results will come at the last week. To inform the candidates of where they are succeeding and failing, polls will be released giving support percentages.

There is also national support, which is the percent of people in the entire nation that support you. If you have under 2% of national support by a few weeks, you will drop out automatically.

At the last week, the results will be in and the state votes will be handed to the majority winner in each state. Whoever the majority of  state votes wins the election.

Population: About 5.5M
Political Lean: Liberal
State Votes: 16
Description: Heavily urban and liberal state, most state votes.

Population: About 3.2M
Political Lean: Liberal
State Votes: 14
Description: Much like Aland, however has a growing conservative minority in the north.

Population: About 300,000
Political Lean: Liberal
State Votes: 2
Description: Capital region of the country, difficult to flip to conservative, low population, low amount of state votes.

Population: About 3.4M
Political Lean: Flip
State Votes: 14
Description: Liberal/conservative mix that also heavily favors strong 3rd party candidates, can easily decide an election with Dives.

Population: About 2.8M
Political Lean: Flip
State Votes: 12
Description: Liberal/conservative mix that prefers to vote for the major parties, can easily decide an election with Basileus.

Population: About 2.6M
Political Lean: Liberal
State Votes: 12
Description: Rural and liberal state and one of the most important states to keep for liberals, can be flipped by conservatives with enough effort.

Population: About 2.4M
Political Lean: Conservative
State Votes: 10
Description: Conservative and rural state and one of the most important states to keep for conservatives, can be flipped by liberals with enough effort.

Population: About 1.4M
Political Lean: Conservative
State Votes: 6
Description: Least important state besides Grad, has only 6 electoral votes.

Population: About 1.8M
Political Lean: Conservative
State Votes: 8
Description: Heavily conservative state, favors 3rd party candidates.

Population: About 1.8M
Political Lean: Conservative
State Votes: 8
Description: Heavily conservative state, favors The Conservative Front.

Population: About 2.2M
Political Lean: Conservative
State Votes: 10
Description: Conservative state, can possibly flip liberal but unlikely.


3rd Party Candidates

(not actual irl weeks, weeks in the forum game last like 1-3 irl days)
Week 1: Beginning of election, signups open.
Week 2: Signups open.
Week 3: Last week for signups.
Week 4: First debate between The Liberal Movement and The Conservative Front nominees.
Week 5: Business as usual.
Week 6: Business as usual.
Week 7: Business as usual.
Week 8: Second debate between The Liberal Movement and The Conservative Front nominees.
Week 9: Third Party debate (2%+ candidates only)
Week 10: Business as usual.
Week 11: Business as usual.
Week 12: Business as usual.
Week 13: Third debate between The Liberal Movement and The Conservative Front nominees.
Week 14: Business as usual.
Week 15: Business as usual.
Week 16: Election night, results are in...
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 01:40:42 PM by Eon »

Candidate Name (first/last, middle optional): garry aleppion
Party Lean (Liberal/Conservative) (FOR 3RD PARTY ONLY): conservative
Party (Liberal Movement/Conservative Front/your 3rd party name): libertarian party
Home State: Basileus
Candidate Image (160x130 max):

Candidate Name (first/last, middle optional): garry aleppion
Party Lean (Liberal/Conservative) (FOR 3RD PARTY ONLY): conservative
Party (Liberal Movement/Conservative Front/your 3rd party name): libertarian party
Home State: Basileus
Candidate Image (160x130 max):

white text on a pale background isnt easy to read

changed win requirement from half state votes to just a majority