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Author Topic: New game idea [/discuss + poll]  (Read 914 times)

your rooster turns into a giraffe
so your richard turns from a human richard into a giraffe richard

"turns into"? are you saying that's not how it's supposed to look?
i stand corrected, i have been informed that spotted richard is a common dish in england

what if you overdose on it

i clearly stated you can only use one per battle

i clearly stated you can only use one per battle
keep them under your tongue then take them all at once

keep them under your tongue then take them all at once

for forgets sakes

why stop at mortal kombat; we can go further

BJ Kazooie
Final Faptasy
Devil may Cum
Super Bonio Bros
Grabbedit and Came i.e. ratchet and clank

wow, already another round of "trolling or genuinely 10 years old?"? this forum sure is exciting lately

edit: oh stuff I didn't realize I'd already posted here

wow, already another round of "trolling or genuinely 10 years old?"? this forum sure is exciting lately

edit: oh stuff I didn't realize I'd already posted here

this is not a troll, im seriously making this game

this is not a troll, im seriously making this game
I have doubts about this

OP is the alt of Boomstick48

You tried to hide it, Buzzwaker, but you failed.