Author Topic: Some Random Dude [113741] - Annoying, Trolling, Lagging Server  (Read 1114 times)

Image Heavy Kind Of
On Pompmaker1's Unusual Island Zombies, there was this guy named Some Random Dude, and his ID is 113741. All I can really say is is that he's pretty annoying in every way, and he's a troll. So, the pictures will do most of the explaining here.

Apologies in advance; the pictures aren't in chronological order. It doesn't matter, though, because it still proves my point pretty decently. So yeah, let the pictures speak.

By "that", I mean a weapon called Perfect Freeze that has a gigantic sound range and basically releases a blue smoke bomb. It's obviously meant to kill zombies, but he just spams it in front of people just to blind them and rape their ears. It lags the server quite heavily, too. Oh, and also, he clearly shows intent to annoy me, specifically, because I asked him not to.

Again, he's just trying to use it to blind me and hurt my ears. He's also trying to get this guy, name1, to do it too. His ID is 203300.
I was too lazy to shrink it, so I just linked it. Anyway, this is what Some Random Dude does. He chases me and just spams this. Then he gets me killed in the second image because he's spamming away.
None of this is news, just showing him doing it over and over again.
Then, he turns it in to a server-wide pain by doing it right in front of the shop's entrance/exit.

It's minor, but given how much trolling he's done already, it's hard to tolerate him trying to trick new players.

So yeah, the only way I can really conclude it is by saying that he's a pretty big nuisance and desperately needs to stop.


That reminds me of that bockland forum fox guy, whatever his name was.


bockland forum fox guy, whatever his name was.
You mean that annoying 10 year old who spammed PMs?

/sappron?You mean that annoying 10 year old who spammed PMs?

Yeah him