Author Topic: So I recently got a laptop that can actually handle games.  (Read 1006 times)

I wanted some tips on playing Blockland without a numberpad, any good places to put keys?

laptop configuration is much better than numberpad imo. I still use laptop config. even on PC because it's more accesible.

Only change I remember is that I set "/" to down 1/3 and " ' " to up 1/3

laptop configuration is much better than numberpad imo. I still use laptop config. even on PC because it's more accesible.

I use laptop config, with cancel brick as one of the side-buttons on my mouse (so don't touch that one), X as plant brick, V as open brick bar, and 1 as first slot (so hitting 1 will not just bring up the bar, that's V's job now.)

I wanted some tips on playing Blockland without a numberpad, any good places to put keys?
you should set it up so you use the ijkl keys like the numpad arrow keys and then set up the surrounding keys to match the numpad accordingly

you should set it up so you use the ijkl keys like the numpad arrow keys and then set up the surrounding keys to match the numpad accordingly
Check if there's an FN key first before doing this.

I believe when you start Blockland for the first time it asks for keyboard layout.  Selecting laptop (or whatever it is without numpad) places them at i/j/k/l for up/left/down/right, u/o for rotating left/right, p/; for up/down one brick and ,/. for up/down one plate.  / is used to clear your ghost brick.  I've been using my laptop over break as I didn't want to ship my PC home from college and its worked pretty well.