Author Topic: What do you think Gorillaz's Kids With Guns Means?  (Read 1677 times)

your mom originally said "lets have an abortion" but her dad punched her in the back of the head and screamed "thats my loving baby you bitch"
you smack talk me or my family one more god damn time i loving swear i'll rip your testicles out and loving feed them to my german shepard right infront of you then kick you in the non-exsistant balls as you cry for mercy  but no mercy for you i continue kicking until your scrotum loving evaporates leaving only your shaft and 2 millimeter richard which i will also feed to my dog you loving friend never talk to me again

Do you need somebody to pop up in the middle room with a giant flashing sign in neon, playing world's loudest airhorn sound, displaying the word STOP ? It's bad enough that the topic itself is boring, but when you fail to actually contribute anything meaningful to your bumps...