Author Topic: Points on end of round  (Read 1510 times)

I am using slayer, and it seems that there is no way to change the amount of points players get at the end of the round. I need to make it so at the end of the round the winning team gets 1500 points and the losing team gets 1000 points. I read through the advanced options and didnt find it, and I have been trying to do this for a while now.

Use events.


Can you explain more? All I see after it is Minigame and after that, I dont know where to go..

onMinigameRoundEnd -> Team(Brick) -> IncScore -> 1500

Thanks for the reply, but you said for me to select Team(Brick) for the second variable, but I do not see team(brick) under the list.

Not sure then I'm afraid, I just placed down a random brick and tried the event. Maybe it has to be the same colour as the team colour?

Seems like I will need to fix that then.

Have you fixed this yet? I am wondering because I don't see the event..