Author Topic: Help with Mods  (Read 462 times)

First of all I've been playing since 2012, and I know how to download mods the only thing I'm having trouble is whenever I throw the Mods into the Mod folder star up the EXE and start a game (custom game) and activate the Mods 1.They don't show up in the game 2. I have some Mods that don't even show up were you pick witch mod you want. P.S. I have a windows XP and I wonder if it has to do anything with that.

1. This belongs in Help
2. What.

1. This belongs in Help
2. What.
i thought it was pretty clear what he was saying.

are you sure your putting them in the add-ons folder? what mods are you trying to install? what mods are not showing up? finally; are you using the steam version or not?