Author Topic: Gear VR- Worth it?  (Read 1514 times)

i got one for free from a deal with the note 5. works really damn well for games and even internet browsing which is cool.

I imagine after I get bored with the games it will mainly be a VR Netflix/research machine. How good is it in these regards?

works as you'd expect it to. you can either watch movies on certain apps or jack off using the internet browser or the built in oculus movies app.

Vive is 100% worth it IMO. I've actually lost a little bit of weight on it (some guys have lost 50+ pounds) because god DAMN those games are active. Holopoint is so exhilarating and the motion of jumping and dodging those arrows will get you drenched in sweat in like 5 minutes on a hard level. Meanwhile I can have genuine and surreal experiences where I communicate with people on the other end of the world on Rec Room via crazy body language where we wave, play patty-cake, fight, and dance with one another via our controllers. Yea, the price is pretty steep but I don't see any clear improvements on it for the loooooong future because I've owned 3 VR Headsets and Vive blows them all out of the water and into outer space.

I've probably used it around 150 hours (I wish I could do more but I don't get the chance as much as I'd like) and at the price of around 5 dollars an hour everything I did on there felt undeniably worth it even if it broke down today.

if you want to use it for 5-10 minutes before it starts to hurt your eyes then sure go ahead, I've used one and was not impressed whatsoever, really a cheap gimmick.

then I bought a HTC Vive and it has been one of the best investments in recent.

Gear VR is great for 3D hentai, would recommend. Just ask McJob.

I imagine after I get bored with the games it will mainly be a VR Netflix/research machine. How good is it in these regards?
If  you're happy with the lower quality images then it's fine for Netflix. The Netflix app has two viewing modes, one is a VR living room with a fixed tv so you can sit and watch (a bit wasteful IMO given you could just watch Netflixat higher res in your own living room), the other is a black void with a movable and rescalable screen, which is useful if you want to lie down and watch something on your ceiling for example, which I found really comfortable.

As for research and other online movies, these can be pretty good, but tricky to get to work. There are 5 or 6 different 3D systems that the screen can display and sometimes none of them seem to work, and you end up with giant people around you, or the centre of attention being at an odd angle from you, or the image stretched along.
Apparently there are apps that give better viewing than the default one, and subreddits discussing how to get the best experience. But you'd have to put the time in to research it a bit. Also, a lot of the halfway decent 'adult' VR content seems to be behind paywalls at the moment.
The only thing to be sure of is that you have strong wifi and a good internet connection. As the screen isn't of the highest resolution to begin with the last thing you want is for the video stream to go blurry.

I got the Gear VR and it's exactly what I expected. It's really fun but I think outside of Netflix the gimmick will go away.