Author Topic: Admiral Obvious's Sky Defenders REVIVAL: Now with clouds!  (Read 885 times)

Hey everybody, now that I have time and they fixed Slayer, I thought I'd bring back:

(Star Wars theme)

Once again, it is an asymmetrical CTF game where the Coalition must defend against the numerically superior Pirates, who try to capture their flag.

Changes since last time:
  • Safe spawn rooms for both sides
  • Clouds
  • Reduced visibility and increased fog
  • "Cargo Skyland" added, featuring comm tower and crate drop-off point. Might add spawn point there that Pirates can capture.

More images (Let me know if the images are too big):

Cargo Skyland

Robot Pirate Island

Update 2/6/17:
-Removed a couple of Coalition turrets to give the pirates a better chance to land somewhere. Removed Coalition tank, to be replaced with something else. Also gave the Pirates one P-51 Mustang.
The Coalition's arsenal tended to be overpowered when operated by half-competent players, with the tank being especially deadly. The Mustang is a tentative addition because people always request it– until it is used against them by a skilled pilot (*cough*likeme*cough*).

- Added a capture point to Cargo Skyland that, when captured, allows the pirates to deploy there. The Coalition can capture it to disable the deploy point.
This should give the Coalition a reason to have a strategy other than turtling in their base all the time. This should also give the Pirates more of a reason to assault the front entrance.

- The Pirate's "Strike" class has had it's hang glider replaced with an adrenaline syringe, and its melee has been replaced with a chainsaw. Its dual SMGs have been made singular.
The strike class was always meant to be a crazy suicidal CQ class, but people were picking it solely for the use of its hang glider, which could bring them back all the way to their base and was a difficult target to hit. Its Dual SMGs were also too powerful for its intended purpose.

- Coalition given an evented front gate and deployable cover.
- Due to other minor map changes, players have been put back to no jet players.
- A few new minor structures.

Future plans:
- Considering using modular terrain to make better skylands and integrating the Coalition base onto it. Would take a while due to spawn room design.
- Add blood effect.
- Suitable replacement for Coalition tank.
- Background music.

This looks forgetin epic
This looks forgetin epic

Thanks guys; that makes me feel all fuzzy inside, even more so if we could get more than 5 people on at once.