Author Topic: Is star citizen still relevant?  (Read 1061 times)

Thinking of dropping 52 quid for it but its been in alpha since forever so iduno
Also I dont even know what relevant means I just assume this is the correct use for it lmao
« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 01:58:54 AM by espio100 »

to the best of my knowledge they're still working on it. i've heard that the game part of it isn't quite there yet, but that a lot of the assets are. it's basically a proof of concept at the moment.

to the best of my knowledge they're still working on it. i've heard that the game part of it isn't quite there yet, but that a lot of the assets are. it's basically a proof of concept at the moment.
Im getting NMS vibes now

feels more like dayZ than NMS

Im getting NMS vibes now
its not at all
for starters you can actually play parts of it already
we know what the finished game is going to be like
its made by a sci-fi simulator veteran rather than the guy who made joe danger
feels more like dayZ than NMS
it is definitely a lot more like dayZ standalone than no man's sky

Its worth a try I guess

>10fps on low setting


>10fps on low setting

It's in alpha and my pc (GTX 960 2GB, i5 4590) runs it just fine. What are your specs?

It's in alpha and my pc (GTX 960 2GB, i5 4590) runs it just fine. What are your specs?
The same except my i5 is an 4430 but it shouldnt make that big of a difference.

I played before in some free weekend and it ran fine then somehow :I

In hanger I get like 40-60 all the time tough

The game has server sided fps
lol what a joke, refunding.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 03:37:51 PM by espio100 »