Author Topic: ITT: We are 4kidschan revived  (Read 1014 times)

< for april fools badspot should make all posts be in this format and re enact the anonymous thing to make it truly 4kidschan
finally, we can combine THIS

and THIS

to get something far far worse neat

>be a female friends house
>solid 7/10
>killing time watching tv together
>suddenly its o' clock in the evening
>she starts rummaging though her purse
>she starts to panic over something
>ask her whats wrong
>anon, i forgot my ass mirror
>i know the feel all to well
>i offer my assistance
>she doesnt want me to help look for it
>be a few minutes later
>she asks if I can do it for her
>knowing how bad it can be without your mirror, i accept
>she takes off her pants and bends over
>i try to make it quick so she doesnt feel too bad
>only put one finger in
>okay maybe two
>8 minutes later
>we're done
>she looks me right in the eyes and thanks me
>she says she has to go to the bathroom to finish up
>she goes
>after a bit I'm curious
>i look at her bag
>mirror sitting right on top
>not sure what this means, or what I should say