Author Topic: Light key not work  (Read 1135 times)

When I'm in driver seat in vehicles then when I press light key and it change my seat instead of toggle light. Is there a way to fix it?

is it on all servers or just one/your own?
do you have any client addons that may be interfering?

on all servers and my own server too.
not sure

is this a recent issue?
did you add any addons about when it started happening?
does this happen if you run without addons?

Talked to him/her and figured out the issue. Hadn't played in so long that he/she forgot the default key for light was r and not . or ,

oh lol
that would definitely explain it
I should've also asked if it works outside of vehicles

I remember when my light key was L and couldn't figure out why it didn't work lol

It fixed now I found out it was one of add-on made my light key not work when I'm in vehicles

I remember when my light key was L and couldn't figure out why it didn't work lol
Mine was set to L for a very brief time. It became a very common "replacement" key for weapons and such that I rebound it to C, and then later had no idea it was eventually defaulted to R.