Author Topic: Pootnoze [17140]  (Read 1363 times)

So, I was playing on ploads remade prison break, and freeday looked as if he was hacking, but this is about someone else.
So everyone at this point was saying he was hacking, and then out of nowhere, pootnoze started yelling at me.
Pootnoze directly was yelling at me, over everyone else that was saying that he was hacking.

Eventually, he got kicked for the reason "griefing"

oops I posted the same image twice

he's just being annoying to try and get you to act up

you pretty much gave him what he wanted

Eventually, he got kicked for the reason "griefing"

to further expand on this, he was roosterblocking the entrance to the lobby with someone else

yeah dude super steve bros is forgeten the worst
nothing more than a attention whore
you pretty much gave him what he wanted

to further expand on this, he was roosterblocking the entrance to the lobby with someone else
they were blocking me and other person.

I wasnt even using hacks lol, I just aimed at peoples chests instead of heads.