Author Topic: Anyone who plays dirty bomb?  (Read 3069 times)

this game is not pay to win, loadout cards above bronze are just bronze with a new skin, bronze cards can easily be bought with credits or crafted

if you think dirty bomb is pay2win you really need to stop sucking at videogames
You want your favorite merc?
Give us 10 quid.

Or you can grind literal 100 hours in the game for credits because you get like 100 creds per match

Oh you want to pay with credits anyways?

Pay us for a booster so its only 50 hours of grinding

Also lets not talk about the fact you can buy loadout cards to get rid of the RNG so you can get the absolute best card
or buy crafting kits to craft cards without spending credits

played it for a little while, felt like a stuffty brink spinoff and brink was p bad to start with

I think the people who made brink made this, except they made it right this time and it's actually fun.

I just stopped playing it because there's other games to play, not sure. wanted some more disk space on my computer too.

ALSO, If you are one of those people that think that it's p2w or you have to grind you actually just do need to get good

I think I put 50? hours into this game and I unlocked a handful of characters

off the top of my head : Fletcher, Rhino, Kira, a couple others who's names I can't recall? I haven't played in awhile.

and you know the devs are just so MEAN because they put three free characters to use and test out

the game does have grind but it's not nearly as close as you make it seem

People who complain about p2w are just lazy blokes who don't want to do a handful of missions and get bonuses from the credit system to unlock characters.

It's not hard to get credits, and you got the game for free. I was expecting a disgusting grind but it wasn't too bad as I have a handful of character to use and try out all the time.

Theres also the fact that (unless theyve changed this I havent played in a bit) they have a FREE MERC ROTATION with ONE OF EACH MAIN CLASS that is changed once a week, you can hold off on buying the mercs you dont like so you dont waste your credits.

But hey you can buy the mercs when you start out so obviously pay 2 win. Not like youre still going to suck with those mercs you bought from the store or anything
I dont think people understand what pay to win is anymore. Pay to not grind is a more common thing that most if not all free to play games worth your time are doing now. You should still be able to unlock all of the same stuff even if you dont spend a cent
« Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 10:13:48 PM by Spartan923 »

i havent touched db in forever but
u get bonus creds from competitive mode
u have the daily missions which give a good amount
the first few mercs u get are already good
game isnt p2w cause ur aim/skill usage is more important than just the mercs themselves

ok now i just want to redl dirty bomb and see if it works again, i liked hipfiring a lot

let me get my phone real quick so i can take a pic of somethign special i have heh

(already used code)
« Last Edit: February 19, 2017, 12:54:05 AM by Xillogean »

I honestly have no idea what youre trying to tell me with this video
Quote from: the description of the video
I guess you won't really understand what's going on in the video here unless you've played the game yourselves, so I'll explain what's going on in each scene.

2 Blokes Swearing at each other: Dirty Bomb is set in an Apocalyptic London and has some rather dodgey English Accents. They're funny to listen to so I figured I'd parody that a little.

Sniper Can't Hit stuff and is Outgunned by automatic rifles: One of the things I really dislike in the game is that automatic rifles seem to have zero recoil, making them amazing at all ranges. I bought the sniper class using in game currency to try it out, and from my experience the one class that is supposed to dominate over large distances is useless against any class that uses assault rifles (most) and any player that can point and click.

Heavy outruns demo with melee weapon: Just like in Counter Strike, you run faster with your melee weapon out than you do with a regular weapon. This makes sense in CS:S which isn't a class based game, but in a team based game like Dirty Bomb where role is important and affects your play style, seeing a guy who wields a minigun switch to a knife and start sprinting like a bat out of hell looks weird.

Everyone wants to kill the wounded scout and ignores the objective: In Dirty Bomb, when you're "killed" you're technically knocked down and have a chance to be revived, instantly by a medic or in the space of around 10 seconds from a friendly player. You can also get finished off by enemies, which gives them extra points and score. I've played matches where players completely ignore the objectives just to run and finish someone off, loosing the match for that team.

Heavy opens a crate to recieve an item, only to be blocked from using it by a paywall: In Dirty Bomb, you have a chance for a battle case to drop, or you can buy them with either in game currency or real money, like with Battlefield. These cases drop a random loadout for a class, and not all classes are available to everyone, you have to pay to unlock them.

You want your favorite merc?
Give us 10 quid.

Or you can grind literal 100 hours in the game for credits because you get like 100 creds per match
It isn't P2W if the character isn't OP which i assume the mercs arent, its content that you need to EARN or give the devs money to unlock your desired merc if you can't be bothered to unlock it, giving the devs money helps them in the long run anyway so they can insure the lifespan of the game.
Added you so i could try out dirty bomb when my b-day comes and i get a new gaming pc build i was given for 430+$
im stuck with a toaster graphics card with this pc so i cant play the game at a playable fps
« Last Edit: February 19, 2017, 10:39:56 AM by Superbro11 »

oh right descriptions

I feel like the video creator is probably just a stuffty sniper or was facing really good players. If he was out in the open trying to hold a spot, thats not going to work. If he was behind cover and was actually using it when he gets shot at? Wow suddenly theres a person who can hold that long line of sight and put pressure on the enemies.

Well if the Heavy had his knife out and the other class didnt, I dont see why the Heavy wouldnt be faster. Yes it is wierd to see the big ol fat man run around faster than you, but unless youre also playing as him, you could be going faster than him. Wall jumps give you a

Finishing someone off doesnt take long, its either one knife hit or like 5 shots. If the entire team for whatever reason tunnel visions on every single downed person, chances are you arent going to win that game.
Also if youre gib'd/exploded you obviously dont get the chance to be revived. On top of all of this its an objective based game, do the objective and you win. Just killing people isnt enough.

even then I really dont understand why he said check it out

« Last Edit: February 19, 2017, 01:10:35 PM by JumboMuffin »

ok now i just want to redl dirty bomb and see if it works again, i liked hipfiring a lot
Why would you ever ADS in this game unles its with a sniper rifle?
>also 5 free characters

Why would you ever ADS in this game unles its with a sniper rifle?
>also 5 free characters

there are times where u just have to ads, theyre too far away or with shotgun

not to mention 50k creds = 1-2 mercs so 7 possible

i never really considered the game p2w. kinda heavy on the micro transactions, but i def still did good with the characters in free rotation/the 1-2 that i unlocked