Author Topic: My Apology to BLF and it's members  (Read 3957 times)

grrr im an angry child and HATE when people apologize for their mistakes!!!

grrr im an angry child and HATE when people apologize for their mistakes!!!
don't get me wrong, i don't hate the OP, and i do accept his apology. i'm just trying to point out that making public apology threads for stuff that only a few specific people know about AND stuff that happened a long time ago and is already forgotten, makes no sense, and just brings more attention to the bad stuff one did.

it's like going to a dumpster to reclaim a thrown away trash bag full of food to show people what you ate three weeks ago

this isn't necessary, really.
even if you do apologize you'll 60% of the time do more malicious stuff

60% of the time do more malicious stuff

when has officerkenny done malicious stuff

this isn't necessary, really.
even if you do apologize you'll 60% of the time do more malicious stuff
I'd probably agree with you here if the guy we're talking about was malicious at all. If Bedpost or any other stuffter came back and apologized up and down that he was wrong and he'd never do it again you'd be pretty correct to say that it wasn't needed and that actions speak louder than words.
This guy though? At worst, he's offended some people and he wants to say he's sorry. He really never did anything that wrong, so if he feels bad enough about it to make a public apology good for him. We don't have to really care, but it's not like he's attention whoring or whatever some people are accusing him of.

I remember the CS thread, I think even Badspot got on you about your posts there.  Eitherway though the apology seems genuine so I at the least forgive you, not sure about anyone else.