Author Topic: Moustaches & Beards.  (Read 4543 times)

Hey, I made another face decal pack.

11 faces in total (ignore the red square).

now i'm pretty sure one of these is a lizard man and not in fact a man with a moustache or beard

now i'm pretty sure one of these is a lizard man and not in fact a man with a moustache or beard
Hey what are you talking about? They're all perfectly normal men. No idea what you're on about.

now i'm pretty sure one of these is a lizard man and not in fact a man with a moustache or beard
Nah, pretty sure they're all perfectly normal dudes with cool facial hair

Wow, these are really nice! Keep it up!

that red square is my favourite face

"Bigotes & Barbas" Was that made in purpose or left accidentaly?

"Bigotes & Barbas" Was that made in purpose or left accidentaly?
Uh-oh... Me no speak americano...

Yes, it was left like that on purpose.

that red square is my favourite face
You can really tell the ammount of effort and detail on that one

i can get ready to doggo with this

Guys with hair like this have a 125% chance of having the high ground