Author Topic: another rng universe type thing  (Read 1231 times)

OH NO!!!!
You were teleported onto a planet.. it's name is uh...

You're orbiting around an explanet with moons that all have atmospheres. They all sustain life. You squish a roosterroach looking thing...

An alien roosterroach lands infront of you!

Your have 3 flask: an estus flask ( gives you 3 full hearts )
Ether Flask: Gives you 3 poison hearts which explode on first hit. Instead of 6 hits, you tank 3.

Finally, Explosion flask. You can only use this when you have one last heart, a half heart or a poison heart.
It gives you one heart which tanks 3 hits, in which when the 2 hits are over the next time it has a chance of exploding.

Each BLF user can drink the first 2 flask. I'm waiting on the first person.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2017, 02:26:13 PM by Verification »

Dont drink thr flask and stab yourself
Game over guys, lets go home

Dont drink thr flask and stab yourself
Game over guys, lets go home
You stab yourself.

You awake in SHEOL

Nothing is there. You have to drink a flask to be revived.

Summon slaneesh, then forget her/him/it

Summon slaneesh, then forget her/him/it
Slaaneesh has no need for your feeble snake.

Drink a flask.