Author Topic: Ho stuff I won mt first official hs tennis match  (Read 918 times)

ITT: space gloats

I was second singles. My opponent when I were really running each other around, but I won the two out of the three needed sets, 6-2 each time.
I am extremely worn out and am pretty sure i sweat out all the fluid in my body.
Go (my school)'s JV team!
Update 1: everything hurts
« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 06:45:15 PM by Space1255 »

tennis is awesome and a great sport congrats!

tennis is awesome and a great sport congrats!
eyyy thanks. the main factor was I was using a different serve style than I normally do, where I kind of get on my toes to get like an extra inch of height and hit softer so I can still do a hard-ish serve but won't get a fault most of the time.

keep on winning my dude
Will do.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 05:33:54 PM by Space1255 »

nice. I played tennis in high school for 3 years (freshman to junior year) and the tournaments were cool. I didn't play senior year because I was afraid I wouldn't have time for classes, and I needed a slightly higher GPA to get auto-acceptance into my college of choice. I went to a pretty large high school with a class of about 600 students, but the tennis coach happened to be my calculus teacher during senior year, and he was really a great math teacher.

now I can use calculus to program some neat stuff, like planet trajectory simulators.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 05:54:03 PM by Farad »

it seems kind of odd that they have you playing best 2 out of 3 at JV, you would think that they would have you play a single 8 game pro-set

its nice to see other people that play tennis though. usually the singles players are better than doubles, so S2 must mean you're not too far off of varisty. keep it up

it seems kind of odd that they have you playing best 2 out of 3 at JV, you would think that they would have you play a single 8 game pro-set
The JV is technically the leftovers of the Varsity team, which I think is one of the reasons why they had us do the full matches (to get the experience). Personally, I'm glad I had to do this style, because it'll help my endurance.
its nice to see other people that play tennis though. usually the singles players are better than doubles, so S2 must mean you're not too far off of varisty. keep it up
Yeah. I personally prefer doubles because I get to be a bit more reckless cuz if I miss the ball my partner can back me up, and we can do some formations to adapt to it.

I totally understand where you're coming from. Unfortunately, my school has a sports credit requirement so we can graduate, but as long as tennis keeps being fun, I'm all for it.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 06:11:11 PM by Space1255 »