Author Topic: Secret Riddler  (Read 3191 times)

Original Game's Kickstarter Page

Massive thanks to Inc and Smashedeggs.
For the people who either don't own the physical version, don't have Tabletop Simulator or simply prefer the configuration of Blockland, I have created an adaptation of the recent board-game Secret Riddler for my next instalment of "VCE Boardgames" I keep making for some reason. While there are certain elements that need ironing out, the game is fully functional and is available whenever I host my server. Although I am constantly bug-fixing and making improvements, you are more than welcome to test the game out and report back. The rules are potentially quite daunting, but here's a rundown to help you.

In Secret Riddler, there are two opposing teams. They're called the Liberals and the Fascists.
One player is secretly Riddler, a Fascist who wants to become Chancellor.
It is up to the Liberals to figure out who he is, and to stop him at all costs.
As a rule of thumb there is always 1 Riddler, no more than 2 Fascists (3 if there are 9+ players) and the remainder are Liberals.

Each round, there will be a random President-elect (could be you) who will choose who his Chancellor is.
To do this, the President-elect types "Vote (Player Number)" and clicks on the red exclamation mark. e.g "Vote 1"
The nominee will then have to click the red exclamation mark to accept the nomination.

After the nominee accepts the nomination, a vote will open for ten seconds.
During this period, players can choose whether they want that player to be the Chancellor by typing Yes or No and then by clicking the red exclamation mark AFTER TYPING. (This is very important if you want your vote to count.) The President is also being voted for. If the majority of the players vote "yes", the Chancellor and President commence their leadership. Otherwise, another President-elect is chosen and the process restarts. If an election fails three consequential times, a Wildcard Policy will play. (This will still be either Fascist or Liberal, but does not come from the main deck)

Once the Chancellor has been selected, the President must draw three random Policies.
To do this, the President clicks on the long brown flashing brick three times.

Once three Policies are drawn, one must be discarded. Mr. President should see something like this:
                     (1)           (2)        (3)
Policies:       Liberal     Fascist    Fascist

To discard a Policy, type the corresponding number and then click the long brown brick again.
In this PARTICULAR instance, "1" would be Liberal and "2" would be Fascist because the Liberal Policy was drawn first and the Fascist Policy was drawn second.

Once the President has discarded a Policy, the Chancellor is shown the remainder.
He can choose one Policy of those two to enact.
For example:
                     (1)         (2)
Policies:       Liberal   Fascist

To do this, he types the number of the Policy to enact, and clicks the long brown brick. All players will be told what Policy was enacted.
After the chancellor has enacted a Policy, a new President-elect will be chosen. If the Policy selected was Fascist, Powers become attainable for the next President. They can be used with the P brick.
If the Policy was Liberal, there are no Powers but the Liberals get one step closer to victory.

1 Fascist Policies - Succession (Picking the next President outright)
2 Fascist Policies - Peaking (Looking at the current remaining Policies in the deck)
3 Fascist Policies - Investigation (Looking up a Player's Role)
4 Fascist Policies - Elimination (The President can kill another Player)
5 Fascist Policies - Elimination (The President can kill another Player)


For Liberals to win: Liberals must get 5 Liberal Policies enacted.
For Liberals to win: Riddler must be killed using the Presidential Power. This can only be attained when there are 5 Fascist Policies.
For Fascists to win: Fascists must get 6 Fascist Policies enacted.
For Fascists to win: When 3 Fascist Policies are enacted and Riddler is Chancellor, he must click the P brick.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2017, 06:36:52 AM by Big Brøther »

here is a reminder

topical !
i thought this was going to be in bad taste, but it's really well made, nice

topical !
i thought this was going to be in bad taste, but it's really well made, nice

Thank you for the kind words. This is simply an adaptation of the pre-existing board game, so I hope it is not construed as offensive.

Update: I believe Sylvanor is donating his time towards revamping the court room for us within the following week. The Secret Riddler gamemode will be contained in a much more visually appealing space, which I am very happy about.

this was very fun to play

Love this game. Hopefully I can hop on sometime.

I started the room in single, will be ready for the next week

i'm not sure about this, sounds like a hitler or miss