Author Topic: Server_ModTerCollision - better vehicle collision for modter bricks  (Read 2676 times)

Gone are the days of glitchy terrain collision.

I made this add-on with the assumption that resizing and rotating static shapes in Blockland breaks collision.
So I made a static shape for every possible orientation of every default ModTer brick.

   Almost perfect collision with vehicles, players, projectiles, etc.

   Uses 1060 datablocks.
   Increases modter brick loading time.
   Increases modter brick deletion time.
   Increases loading time when joining the server.
   The static shapes used for collision can lead to some instances of floating bricks.


resizing and rotating static shapes do not break collision afaik

resizing and rotating static shapes do not break collision afaik
They work fine for player objects, but not for vehicles.

A scale of 1 allows vehicles to glitch through at high speeds, and tends to bounce the vehicle away when it does hit.
A scale of 0.2 tends to suck the vehicle in a bit, and allows vehicles to "push" their way through slowly.
Previous testing showed a scale of 0.5 to give perfect collision.

I ran into problems rotating a shape while making a loop de loop.  The wheels of the Jeep were reversing direction and pulling me backwards around the loop when I got to the top bit.
Creating pre-rotated .dts files for each loop de loop section allowed the vehicle to react properly. result
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 12:01:44 AM by Tendon »

A scale of 1 allows vehicles to glitch through at high speeds, and tends to bounce the vehicle away when it does hit.
A scale of 0.2 tends to suck the vehicle in a bit, and allows vehicles to "push" their way through slowly.

Previous testing showed a scale of 0.5 to give perfect collision.

I ran into problems rotating a shape while making a loop de loop.  The wheels of the Jeep were reversing direction and pulling me backwards around the loop when I got to the top bit.  Creating separate . dts files for each 90 degree section allowed the loop de loop to react properly.
hm ok, thanks for the info. nice to have this on hand somewhere.

Oh, I should mention, this addon uses less datablocks if you have less modter bricks enabled.
So if you're not using inverted modTer, disabling them will save a big chunk.  ~400-500 datablocks.

why use two static shapes instead of using separate collision meshes within the same shape?

also my best explanation for collision not working when rotating shapes is because of how much information you lose on floating point rotation when using any rotation that isn't 0 0 0 0
actually just kidding its just that vehicles are bad it probably has to do with the floating point accuarcy
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 03:57:53 AM by Swollow »

This is beautiful. Thank you.

bump,this is good stuff