Author Topic: Download for a "standard set" of Add-Ons - or at least your personal folder?  (Read 800 times)

It's been a while since I've played this game, owing to the fact that 1) I'm running Linux, and the alphabetization function doesn't work in WINE, and 2) Blockland began spontaneously crashing years ago (even on Windows), presumably due to an add-on I have. I've tried several times to systematically enable and disable add-ons to find the culprit, but I've had no such luck.

I'm interested in getting back into the game, but as I'm sure you know, Blockland isn't very exciting without add-ons. Is there an archive of the "essential" add-ons, so to speak, or at the very least, would someone be willing to upload their Add-Ons folder? I still have my old Add-Ons folder on a flash drive, but due to the aforementioned crashing, I would rather start fresh.


(EDIT: I have seen this thread, but it's not created yet, and I'm willing to download non-essential add-ons so long as they don't cause crashes).
« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 02:38:26 AM by TristanLuigi »

the alphabetization function doesn't work in WINE
I'm curious, what does it sort by?
is it by date modified?
if it is, you could make a script to touch all the addons alphabetically and then launch BL

I'm curious, what does it sort by?
is it by date modified?
if it is, you could make a script to touch all the addons alphabetically and then launch BL
I have no idea what Blockland is sorting them by, but it's definitely not date modified. I know the problem is related to a different file system; Blockland expects NTFS, but the hard drive is ext4. This is unfortunate, because ext4 is pretty much objectively better :P

I've seen an add-on that supposedly fixes it, but if I remember correctly it only works if you start a game and quit again (which is a massive pain). Blockland Glass might work, I'm not sure.

EDIT: Nevermind! It seems a newer version (from Platypi) is available that works properly. Blockland Glass does not, but supposedly it's going to get fixed in the next update?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 03:12:28 AM by TristanLuigi »