Author Topic: How do people get so many subscribers and patrons without ANY videos?  (Read 450 times)

There's this dude who commented on one of my videos- obviously he just spamming people's videos at random trying to get support for his channel in the future or something like that. It got hit by my spam filter, of course, and it said this:

Hey! I love your video! Keep it up. :) I want to start making YouTube videos soon, too. It would be so great if you could support me with a dollar to get things started because I need equipment for my videos. There's no need to feel bad if you can't, I still think you're great and I wish you the best for you and your channel. This comment will be marked as spam because of the link, I'm sorry about that. Peace & Love, Dominik.

So out of curiosity I clicked on his channel and hit patron page.

37 patrons.

1,500 subscribers.

0 videos.

How? Does spamming random users actually work THAT well? How long would he have to do that for it to work?

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