Author Topic: Nekookie: A stuff friend aswell as an admin  (Read 3458 times)

sorry for double-post but why do people do this? your just re-posting the same post.

sorry for double-post but why do people do this? your just re-posting the same post.
it shows that multiple people are thinking the same thing
usually a single person will listen to a crowd more than another single person

wowie i haven't seen that acronym for a good while
I'm old school

wowie i haven't seen that acronym for a good while

tbh it seems like you're awful admin material, lets look at your post;
k so im on his rping server and im stealing cars. apparently you can be banned for that? so I am. so i basically stop and start rping so im not banned, blah blah
you know what you're doing is wrong and against server rules, but you still went ahead and attempted it.
if not even an admin follows server rules, why should anyone else?
k so they're having and oding fest and im wandering around. some dude was making a table and I said "can I help, im a pro." i was offering my help
and he just says forget off
i tell him to go jack off to hentai
if someone doesn't want your help and actually tells you to forget off, maybe leave them alone? basic social cues here buddy.
yet you stuck around and made the situation worse by returning the insult.
once again, excellent admin behaviour.

while saying "forget off" to make someone leave you alone is not polite (could just say "can you leave me alone"), it gets the point across.
it's entirely possible that the person who told you to forget off was having a bad day or did not like you at all for any reason (e.g. frequently being a pest on the server).
and guess what. im banned. and nekookie changes the password.

and before this im insulted a couple times and banned a couple times.
i feel like we're not getting the full story here; did you return the insults further?
also "banned a couple times", how would that work? did they unban you then ban you again?
additionally, changing the admin password is entirely reasonable if you cannot trust one of your own super admins in following server rules.

so lets tl;dr if you couldn't get through that.
  • you know you're breaking a server rule, but attempt it anyways. (stealing a car)
  • you offer to "help" someone when they clearly did not want it, only to then insult them for not accepting your help
  • then you complain about having your admin status removed from disrespect of players and server rules.
  • after this, there's a gap which you did not talk about at all where you may have made the situation worse.
  • your excuse for the missing evidence for "print screen didn't work" is flawed, in my 10 years of using a computer, print screen has never failed me.

so excuse me if i sound like i'm skeptical of your story, it's just missing so much evidence and proof that makes me think that you edited it a little to fit your narrative.
for all we know, you could have done more stuff in the past which broke server rules to the point that the server host decided you unfit for the admin position.
put yourself in their shoes for a moment; if you know you had an admin who was breaking server rules and insulting other people as if it's no big deal, would you remove their status, even if they were your friend?

first off cars are not that loving important

second off i was telling him to forget off in a more poetic way ;) so if I did the same thing, he gets to stay and I have to leave. i could understand if he was talking to someone, but offering for help?

it was actually 2 bans I think. one was stealing the cars and one was for joke erping. and yes I did deserve to get banned for saying "gives good  s u c c"

and print screen literally would not work, i tried pasting the capture in paint and all it showed was black. you could do a lie detector test or some stuff and would find out im telling the truth

your point is that I stole cars and that because it was them who told me to forget off I have to...

and I just didn't get my status taken away, no no no. they changed the SERVER pass. also I cant talk to cma anymore, even though he had nothing to do with it.

second off i was telling him to forget off in a more poetic way ;)

forget do you mean by this? telling someone to forget off is telling someone to forget off

second off i was telling him to forget off in a more poetic way ;)
i think if you told someone to forget off in a poetic way, they'd be even more offended by it

second off i was telling him to forget off in a more poetic way ;)
