Author Topic: Blender  (Read 7137 times)

Blender, as seen in this thread.

If you want to use this in part or in whole for your server, add-on, video, or whatever, or edit it and make your own version, feel free.

aw ye i remember that
thank for release

can you save things as a .dts

make it so you can edit tris and stuff

how to use
how do i use this

If you're familiar with Blender, the controls shouldn't be too unintuitive - the main thing is that crouching acts as a modifier key most of the time; for selecting it acts like shift and for transform tools it acts like control.

These are the server commands, with brackets notating optional components:
To change tools: /t[ranslate] /r[otate] /s[cale]
To add primitives: /cube /cylinder /cone /sphere /plane
To change your selection's color: /c[olor] r g b [a]
To smooth-shade: /shade 1 (0 to flat-shade)
and dragging with the tools is done with the mouse it seems

The export to DTS button isn't working.

make it so you can edit tris and stuff

you can only translate, rotate and scale, and you can't compose any triangle from a base mesh with only those transformations

you can only translate, rotate and scale, and you can't compose any triangle from a base mesh with only those transformations

you can if you split it into 2 right triangles

it'll be the ultimate slow modeling program

blender: when building with bricks is too fast for you