Author Topic: EFFECTIVE 08-10-17 : Blockland Forums to be permanently discontinued  (Read 2163 times)

save me from my own addiction

i couldn't quit without this happening

to add on to this: when the forums were down due to hard drive failure i actually got work done without getting distracted nearly as easily

someone please ddos the forums and delete it forever for the sake of me thanks

coman would you rather graduate college or blockland
think very carefully before you answer this

coman would you rather graduate college or blockland
think very carefully before you answer this

this is a tough one

stop asking me questions that make me question the meaning of life itself :(

to add on to this: when the forums were down due to hard drive failure i actually got work done without getting distracted nearly as easily

someone please ddos the forums and delete it forever for the sake of me thanks
this. so much studying time and work time has gone into the forums, and without the forums my grades would be a lot, lot higher :(

2 days after my 2 year hiatus? I'm the antiblock

its like the 20th time ive checked this site today and i have a project to finish thats overdue by 2 days


its like the 20th time ive checked this site today and i have a project to finish thats overdue by 2 days

finish ur darn thingy!!!!

i bet this is what it felt like waking up on december 22nd 2012