Author Topic: fursona generator v2  (Read 1653 times)

Chameleon the glaceon who is very Relentless while pooping and and his worst fear is creepphobia: Fear of children

even better:

Addax :3 who is very Happy when his richard wills it and his throbbing rooster goes hard to anyone with Bogyphobia: Fear of bogeys or the bogeyman
« Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 04:30:10 AM by Verification »

yknow i never knew veri was a furry this whole time

Salamander forgeter who is very Hopeful only when BLOCKLAND IS DEAD and his throbbing rooster goes limp to Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia: Fear of being locked in an enclosed place

we have so much in common ragequit

Opossum the Hedgehog who is very Rambunctious when attacking someone on a lego forum and he thinks traps are not gay because Belonephobia: Fear of pins and needles

also this is a sonic oc not a fursona

Chipmunk :3 who is very Peaceful only while it lasts and BEEP BOOP. PRINTING OUT RECEIPT. PLEASE PUT IN YOUR WORST FEAR. ANSWER: Carnophobia:
Fear of meat

Mandrill aka NOTHIN PERSONELL KID who is very Death while supplies last and his phobia is Maniaphobia: Fear of insanity

Bull furry who is very Null when his richard wills it and BEEP BOOP. PRINTING OUT RECEIPT. PLEASE PUT IN YOUR WORST FEAR. ANSWER: Teleophobia: 1) Fear of definite plans 2) Religious ceremony

Cougar the glaceon who is very Recondite with his long schlong and his phobia is Ithyphallophobia: Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect snake
their own fear is themself

-Waterbuck furry who is very Quickest only while it lasts and and his worst fear is Teutophobia: Fear of German or German things
-Pony forgeter who is very Brilliant while fapping furiously and his phobia is Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
-Ewe :3 who is very Flattened when his richard wills it and GIIIIIBBBYYYYY has Liticaphobia: Fear of lawsuits

the worst part is if showed this to anyone in the internet they wouldn't doubt any of these were actual furries.