Author Topic: augum br?  (Read 1165 times)

 :cookie: augum jogador br que usa dicord to meu: ojoojgerero#0274  :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 08:16:12 PM by jooj »

first is for brazilians for brazilians

sorry this is an english forum no mexicanos here

sorry this is an english forum no mexicanos here
puhun mitä haluun

beeg amerecan teeties

As a brazilian myself, I apologize for most of people of my country having a strange internet behaviour.

As a brazilian myself, I apologize for most of people of my country having a strange internet behaviour.
we forgive you

As a brazilian myself, I apologize for most of people of my country having a strange internet behaviour.

Yea these peoples are strange

i hope brazil gets nuked